Chapter 4

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Hey! I'm SO SORRY for not updating. I've been so busy and couldn't really think of anything to write but now I'm back and ready to get this show on the road

Chloe's POV

I woke up to an excruciating pain in my stomach. I opened my eyes in shock and looked around seeing a bunch of doctors and nurses in dress like things covering there bodies. They had on masks covering there mouth with a clear plastic shield like thing covering there eyes attached to the mask.

They were talking fast and trying to hold me still to put a needle in my arm. I couldn't hear what they were saying and everything seemed like it was going in slow motion. I looked at my stomach to they and figure out why I felt the way I did but all I saw was a gaping hole and lots of blood.

I started to fade in and out of consciousness from shock and the drug I was given. I felt myself slowly going into the light. Drifting away from life. I finally gave up fighting and gave I to the light.

Dr. Phillips POV(doctor that's doing surgery on Chloe)

The line went flat and everyone started to panic. I knew I had to get her back. But the only way to do that was to stay calm and calm everyone else down. "HEY" everyone looked at me in silence. "Sara, get the defibrillator. Carl, start stitching her up. I'll get the shot" I said quickly.

I was determined to get her back. She's too young to die. She still has so much to reach in life. Family, friends, her boyfriend. So many will miss her if I let her go. But I refuse to let her leave.

Carl had finished stitching her up within a minute. Carl is currently holding the record for the fastest stitching. Sara came back with the defibrillators. I had given the shot by now. The shot is supposed to keep them somewhat alive for at least a minute so we still have a little time. (Idk, go with it)

I charged the defibrillators at 350 jewls. (That's not how it's spelled but whatever) "CLEAR?" I yelled. "Clear" they returned. I placed them on her heart and under her right breast on her side. (That's actually were place them. Don't ask how I know all of this).

I shocked only to receive no sign of a heartbeat. The line remained flat. I shocked again only at 500 jewls this time. Still nothing. I shocked again at 500. She's not coming back. I can't give up. I have to try again. I'm not losing her. I put it up to 600 jewls and shocked.

                    I got a heartbeat.
      It was weak but it was still there.

Thank god. I knew it would work. I just couldn't give up. We quickly rushed her to the recitation ward were we continued to work on her to try and get her heart to beat at a proper speed. After about 20 minutes of trying to get her to a regular beat. We just kind of gave up.

I know, I know. I shouldn't give up. But..... It says in the doctors manual that after 20 minutes and no progress to just leave it and hope for the best. So we took her to the ICU and put her in a room were she'll most likely be staying in for a while.

We hooked her up to Life Support and hoped and prayed that she'll wake up soon. I decided to inform her brother and boyfriend of what happened.

Michael's POV

I was sitting in the waiting room for about 20 minutes alone considering I just beat the shit out of Calum and he had to get scans to make sure his nose wasn't broken.

I was pulled off Calum not even realizing what's going on. Calum was taken to a room. And I'm just standing there looking around for Chloe. The doctor walked up to me "your sister was just taken to surgery" "what?! Why?!" I asked eager to know why they were about to poke my sister a bunch of sharp things. "She had hit her stomach on the bed railing and ruptured her appendix". He explained. Oh my god. She must have fell on the railing when I accidentally pushed her. I thought to myself. "You pushed her?" The doctor asked. "What are you talking about?" I said. "You just said that you must have accidentally pushed her into the railing" he said. I broke down into tears sobbing my heart out because of what I've caused. Not only did I probably break Calum's nose but I asking put my little sister into surgery. I'm the worst brother ever. He calmed me down to a point were I was only occasionally letting tears slip. He told me to wait in the waiting room until the surgery was over. But before he left he assured me that she was gonna be okay. That made me smile a little. He was almost out of the room when I shot out of my seat and rushed I front of him. He looked a little surprised at my actions but I just asked "can you tell when I can see Calum?!". He smiled a replied with a simple "of coarse" then walked away.
~~flashback over~~

I saw that familiar face walk into the waiting room and sit down next to me. I stood up and crouched down in front of his chair. I put my hands on his bent knees to steady myself. I looked into his eyes and tried my best not to start crying.

"I' Calum.. I-I was ju-" he cut me off by hugging me tight and whispering an "it's fine" in my ear. "No Calum. It's not. I just beat the shit out of you 20 minutes ago. God I'm so stupid I not only probably broke your nose but I also put Chloe in surgery" I explained letting a few tears slip in the process.

"Hey, look at me" he said softly. I complied and looked at him. "You'll always be my best friend. Nothing has changed. And Chloe's gonna be fine. She's a really strong girl" he assured me.

"And that's why I'm okay that you and Chloe are dating" I said. He looked up in shock and searched my eyes to see if I was kidding. "Really?" He asked getting a little excited. "I know you. You'll take good care of her. I can see you too probably making at least 5 babies in the future" I said joking slightly at the end. He laughed and we bro hugged.(oh my god. #MalumMoment)


Then the doctor walked in.

Dun dun dunnnnnn. I can't even explain how bad I feel for not updating for a whole MONTH. But i really hope that this can make up for the loss of time. I'll be updating again either tonight of tomarrow.

This was 1179 words

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This was 1179 words. That took only about 1-2 hours though sooo...

Ilygsm. Bye luvs.😘

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