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Hey luvs. Soooo. I bet the story is a bit confusing rn. Basically what happened is when Michael was beating the shit out of Calum he didn't realize that a doctor came in and saw what what was happening so he called other doctors to help with the situation. 2 of the dr.s helped Chloe and took her to get scans  to see what was wrong. Obviously her appendix has burst. So she went to surgery. More doctors pulled Michael off Calum and took Calum to get scams done. Then the doctor took Michael to the waiting room after informing him of what the situation was with Chloe. Chloe woke up at the end of the surgery when she was about to get stitched back up. So all of that happened. Chloe's on life support so she doesn't die. Calum's nose wasn't broken.(thank god😌) the doctor is about to tell Michael and Calum what happened with Chloe.

So that should pretty much clear things up. Well... at least I hope it did. Remember. Ily and goodnight.

Or good day.☺️😊

Surprise!(a M.C and C.H fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu