Part 3: First Day

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Aphrodite: what a shocker she's late to Lenobia's class
Crystal: I had to be late so that I wouldn't kill you
Lenobia: well at least she's here
Damien: I didn't think you were going to come at all
Crystal: well education is far more important then personal issues.
Lenobia: I disagree
Crystal: and I'm out
Thanatos: no you're not
Lenobia: your going to have to talk to me sooner or later
Crystal: there's nothing to talk about you don't like me I don't like you, you have a new daughter I have a mother now let's move on with our lives.
Lenobia: I don't have another daughter
Crystal: my eyes say otherwise
Lenobia: and you did have a mother I was your mother and still am
Crystal: you were not
Crystal: don't you understand I have no room for you in my life and you are no where close to being my mother. Your right I did have a mother and her name is Neferet. My mother now is still Neferet and will always be Neferet.
Lenobia: I have tried everything to try and at least get you to not be so angry. It obviously didn't work. Maybe I should consider a new daughter I'm done.
Crystal: that's all that I wanted you to do is be done so I wouldn't be so angry, but you did always insist on doing things the hard way.
Lenobia: well it looks like you got what you wanted
Thanatos: your relaxed
Crystal: yea because it's a bolder of my shoulder
Thanatos: so,I'm going to go
Crystal: won't you stay with me
Thanatos: but you're fine
*Crystal slips her hand in Thanatos's*
Crystal: just stay
*she leans on Thanatos's shoulder*
*thanatos smiles*
Lenobia: Zoey you have Persephone with crystal
Lenobia: Shaunee and Erin
Lenobia:Damien and Erik
Lenobia: Aphrodite and Stevie
Crystal: hi, Persephone hey girl
Zoey: you just got here and she acts like she knows you
Crystal: she does Persephone was my horse before your mother took her from me.
Zoey: oh well that's a pity, but since mother brought her to me she always looks forward to my visits.
Crystal: brought her to you?
Zoey: yea
Crystal: when lenobia first bought Persephone here she said she was for everyone not you
Zoey: she lied
Crystal:wait until everyone here's about this
Lenobia: their not going to because you'll be dead
Crystal: so everything you did was a plan to get me dead?
Zoey: our plan see we know that you were coming and it would stir up confusion.
Crystal: so how are you going to kill me if I scream
Lenobia: like this
Lenobia: oh goddess why?
*everyone bust into tears*
*Thanatos finds Neferet*
Neferet: what's happened?
Thanatos: it's crystal she slipped and isn't breathing
Neferet: lead me to her
*she sees crystal lying on the floor*
Neferet in tears: why has this happened my only child the only thing that I ever loved.

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