First Argument

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Crystal: well I hope I can share some with you
Neferet: what do you mean
Crystal: I don't like the new you
Neferet: there is no new me
Thanatos: crystal come here
Neferet: no stay here
Crystal: aww shit
Zoey: I haven't heard that in a while
Thanatos: I'm not hateful any more
Neferet: the cloud is still over your head
Crystal: okay I love you both but you still have a black cloud and I'm not convinced that you are my mother
Neferet: it's okay because you know that I don't care
Crystal: yeah you're definitely not my mother
Thanatos: see come here
Crystal: okay what do you love
Thanatos: nothing
Crystal: yea your still hateful
Thanatos: since you want to be so stubborn ( she cast a spell on crystal to pull her by her) and now your hateful with me
Zoey: Crystal
Erin: we need to help her
Zoey: there's nothing that we can do
Shaunee: the spell
Damien: yea the peace spell
Aphrodite: everyone gather around
Everyone: together we unite all as one seed, to find the most precious thing to us and that thing is peace

(Crystal falls to the ground she looks at thanatos and backs away,Aphrodite grabs her)
Thanatos: what is going on, Crystal why are you on the floor (she goes to help crystal up)
*crystal backs up*
Crystal in tears: you tried to hurt me
Neferet: its okay
Crystal: no you did the same thing and you know the worst thing you said you didn't care
Neferet: I said that
Crystal: yes but it's okay because I know it wasn't you
Thanatos: what did I do
Crystal: when you gripped my arm you said I don't love you and I never will
Thanatos: but that was not me and it isn't true
Crystal: of course it isn't
Thanatos: that is not fair
Crystal: life isn't fair
Thanatos: I never said it wasn't
Crystal: let go of me
Thanatos: no
Crystal: move
Thanatos: no I want you to talk to me
Crystal: no
( grabs crystal and looks her deep in her eyes)
Thanatos: I need you to talk to me
Crystal crying: and I need love in my life (she walks past Thanatos)
Damien: well don't just stand there go talk to her
Thanatos: I don't know what to say
Neferet: do you love her
Thanatos: huh
Neferet: do you love Crystal
Thanatos: of course I do
Neferet: well then I think you do know what to say
Lenobia: mommy giving advice to daughter in law
Neferet: I ( thanatos chimes in)
Thanatos: I don't think you have the right to talk about anyone and there child
Crystal: what's going on, oh Lenobia never mind
Lenobia: she is my daughter
Thanatos: as I recall you said you were done with her
Neferet: Lenobia why do you try so hard to work me on my bad side
Crystal: what happened
Neferet: "she's my daughter"
Crystal: Zoey's your daughter were not family so leave mine alone( she pulls Neferet and Thanatos)
Thanatos: so can we talk now
Crystal: sure
Thanatos: that was not me talking do you think I would say that
Crystal: I know you didn't but it felt like you did which is why I was so mad
Thanatos: I love you (she hugs crystal)
Crystal: I love you too
Thanatos: now go to class
Crystal: okay, wait, oh never mind

Lenobia: everyone to their stalls
Zoey: Crystal were going to be back at it again
Crystal: don't try anything dumb this time because you will not succeed
Crystal: Persephone
Nyx's voice: don't let your mouth get you in trouble
Crystal: huh
*Zoey tries to hit Crystal with a rake and misses*
Crystal: what the hell ( she falls) are you that crazy
Zoey: no but when I kill you don't worry you'll be with your beloved Nyx
Nyx's voice: don't let your mouth get you in trouble
Erin: you okay
Shaunee: what happened
Crystal: I just tripped over the rake
Lenobia: honey your head's bleeding go to the nurse
Aphrodite: I'll take her
Crystal: thanks
(They leave out)
Aphrodite: okay I know that you didn't trip over the rake so what happened
Crystal: nothing
Aphrodite: don't lie to me what happened
Crystal: the rake was involved
Aphrodite: okay
Crystal: she tried to hit me with it and I fell back
Aphrodite: but why
Crystal: she says that I complicated everything
Aphrodite: have you told anyone
Crystal: no
Aphrodite: I want you to tell thanatos
Crystal: no I won't and neither will you
Aphrodite: I give you two days that's all
Crystal: yea yeah

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