#12 Yours and his pet peeves:

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Harry: 🙊


When you swear. You're so used to swearing in front of your friends and others that you don't see Harry as any different so you constantly let the f bombs slide in front of him. Only for him to quickly correct you. "Hey! Easy on the language!" He'll say.

Yours: 🙅

You always get annoyed with him when he constantly swears in front of you. If you're not allowed to do it than neither is he.

Liam: 😂


When you make fun of others. You're not super terrible about it, just every once in a while you'll make a negative comment about someone and laugh and he'll remind you that it's not of good character or very nice to say that.

Yours: 👴👧

Some times you feel like he expects you to be perfect and you're way too laid back for that. You constantly remind him that just because you two are on different maturity levels doesn't mean that he's your parent.

Louis: 🍬


He cannot stand when you chew gum around him. He thinks that you chomp way too loud and he'll make you spit it out if he's around while you're chewing.

Yours: 🍹

He slurps his drinks. Anytime he's drinking something with a straw he tries to get every last bit of it which calls for extremely loud, obnoxious slurping. He doesn't seem to notice which is what bothers you even more.

Niall: 💪


Since there's nothing he really cannot stand about you he just brings up the fact that it annoys him when he 'lets' you win a game of FIFA or league and you won't stop bragging about it to everyone.

Yours: 👎

When he's a sore loser. If he finds out you're better than him at anything he'll come up with any excuse for why you're better. Needless to say he whines and pouts everytime you beat him at games.

Zayn: 😔


Your insecurities. Despite his constant reassuring you that you look fine, that you're beautiful, and that you don't need to lose weight, something in the back of your mind still urges you to feel down about yourself. It upsets him to see you feel that way.

Yours: 🚬

His smoking habit. You don't mind him occasionally having a cigarette but you notice he only does it when he's stressed..which is all of the time.
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