Chapter 2

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After checking my baggage in and going through security I can finally walk to the Starbucks closest to the departure lounge for my flight. I go to sit after I order the drink I always get. In the process of walking to an empty table I run into someone and fall to the ground.

We both are sitting there and everyone is staring at us.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" the man I bumped into says.

"It's fine you don't have to apologize.." Isay in a mean voice.

He coughs as we both collect our things that we dropped.

"Um. Well I'm Joey." He says standing up. He reaches out to give me a hand up and I decline.

"Y/n" I say while putting my hand on a table close and holding it to get myself back on my feet.

"Listen I'm really sorry.." Joey says and I look into his face for the first time. He really was cute. He had the most gorgeous green eyes I've ever seen. And perfectly tousled hair. His teeth were aligned in a way that fit his face perfect.

"It's fine. You can stop apologizing already." I say sitting down at the table.

"Caramel frappe without whip cream." Joey looks at the barista then back to me.

"That's mine." He says walking away to get it.

I pull a book out of my backpack and start reading so I can look busy and Joey won't bother me again.

Joey returns with his drink. "Can I sit here?" He says. I don't respond but he sits there anyways.

He pulls out his camera and starts talking to it.

"Well hello there everyone! So I'm here at Starbucks in the airport," he takes a sip of his drink "and anyways I'm waiting for my flight and then I'll be heading back home! Woo!" He continues talking to his camera. And I am so confused and thankful that the barista finally calls my order.

I get up and walk to the counter. I quickly thank the woman who has my drink in her hand and take a sip while walking to the gate that is printed on my plane ticket. 3B.

I make my way to a seat in the departure lounge. The giant board that has flights on it says my flight to LA will be boarding at 9:30 am. I look at my phone and see that there is still an hour left.

I continue reading my book until the flight is called to start boarding. When I look up from the book I see that many more people have come to sit down. I stand up and get in line.

I make it to the front of the line and hand the attendant the ticket. "Thank you for flying with us." she says unenthusiastically.

I walk into the tunnel with my backpack and purse.

Once on the plane I find my seat in the middle of the plane. 34 G. I sit next to the window and the other two seats next to me are empty. Im not aren't afraid of flying. So I'm not that nervous.

Ten minutes of people finding their seats and the two next to me are still empty.

I look up to the front of the plane and see the man I bumped into earlier.

I think to myself that I really hope he doesn't sit next to me.

And just as my luck might have it he sits next to me in the aisle seat.

"Hey again," he says flashing me a perfect smile.

My stomach is full of butterflies but I'm not sure why.

I turn and look out the window. An attendant comes over the PA system and says "Thank you ladies and gentlemen for flying with us today." As they start showing what to do if the plane crashes I start to realize how tired I actually am. I turn my head towards the window and close my eyes and fall asleep.

I wake up to the sound of Joey's voice. "Hey y/n the planes gonna land. Wake up, c'mon."

I flutter my eyes open and give him a death glare. Ugh why does he have to be so adorable I think to myself.

I realize I have a blanket laying on my lap. It's dark purple and if I saw it in the dark I probably wound have thought it was black or navy. It was soft and I wonder where it came from.

Joey coughs and says "sorry that's mine. You looked cold and I wasn't using it so.."

He really was sweet but I didn't know what it was about him but I felt like he might just be a player or something. I hand him back the blanket and quietly say thanks.

The plane lands and everyone gathers their stuff. On planes I usually leave last because I don't like crowding around trying to get off the plane with everyone else. So I stand quietly with my arms on the headrest of the seat in front of me. Joey walks into the aisle and motions for me to come over to him. Everyone on the front of the plane has gotten off. And Joey and I are in the front of everyone else.

Joey gives me his hand and I take it reluctantly and walk into the aisle in front of Joey.

I get off the plane and the tunnel. I get my suitcases from the baggage claim and head outside.

The weather is much nicer than in Seattle. It's not as cold and I can see the sun.

As I'm about to call a cab I hear a familiar voice calling my name. I turn around and see Joey waving his arm wildly.

Why did he have to be so cute..?

"Hey do you need a ride?" He says slightly out of breath.

"No I'm just gonna get a cab.." I say looking at the ground.

"C'mon it's fine I'll take you anywhere you need to go.."

I look at him weighing my options. I bite my lip and look at him. "Fine."

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