Chapter seventeen: Days of the past - part one

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"Y-your one of those...i mean, your one of us?! Then why didn't you say so? I could've kicked your ass i you'd tell me. Knowing that i seem to find the Hunters really perverted and i hate perverts...then i guess, i need to kill you...because your shadow is really grabbing my chest..."- Jane said.

"Hold her, don't want you to go killing me here. And you, stop groping her."- Albert ordered the shadow and it just simply nodded and stopped.

"L-let go of me! If your my ally...why are you d-doing this t-to me?!"- Jane stuttered.

"You said you'd kill me, am i wrong?"

"Oh, that was just a joke! Have a sense of humor dude!"

"Nah im just kidding too, come on have a seat. I am here to give you a "friendly" gift."

She sat at a chair that he pointed,"Gift? What gift?"- she asked, curiously.

"Look."- he pointed.

She turned around and saw the beautiful doll that looked like her.

"Oh! This? I-its....but, i can't....take it..."

"Hm? Why not?"- he asked, now infront of my face one inch away.

He's too close! What the?! Was all Jane could think of.

She averted her eyes from him and looked at the fabulous and beautiful doll.

"Because.....its too beautiful...i can't just have it like, i don't have any money on me...and like i said, im just here to look at the shop."- Jane told him.

"Don't care, and like i said too its a gift. Not an item or toy for sale, take it or i'll force it on you...or maybe gave it life and haunt chucky doll."

From not wanting to take the doll to a horrified look. Her face went pale and then she was shaking nervously.

"P-pleash.....d-don't.....i s-s-s-scared.....of ghosts and other things scary!!!"- she stuttered.

"Woah, she's like a child. Cute!~"- he thought.

"Okay...if don't want that doll to haunt you...i suggest you to take it..."- he whispered through her ear.

"Y-yesh....."- she cuddled from her knees.

"Aww~ so cute! But i feel bad for making her scared like a little should i make it up from her? Oh! I know!"- he thought.

He stood up, looked at Jane and held a hand.

"Hm?"- Jane confused.

"Take my hand, i'll show you something good!"

"O-okay....don't mess with me...or i'll punch you..."- she warned.

"Don't worry. Here, take this doll. It's yours, plus it really is you."

"It is....? T-thanks...i like it."- she said.

"Its nothing, now come on. I'll show you a room that you'll like! And its not my room!"

Then a gun was pointed at him.

"I said, no jokes..." - she glared.

", i thought you said punch?"

"Sigh...just show me the room."

"Okay!"- he obeyed happily.


"Okay! This is it!"

"Oh? This?"

Albert pointed at a wooden door, it looked old and worn out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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