Chapter 3

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Professor Eliasson was right in that the union building would have info on all organizations. The school had over 150 clubs and activities, some odder than others. I found out that to be a photographer for their newspaper I needed to bring in three examples of pictures I've taken on campus or of other people who attend school here. If I wanted to be a columnist, I needed to write a report on an event on campus or in town. I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and write reports about the pictures I took. In Boston, the possibilities were endless.

There was an information desk at the same building so I found out more about my work-study program. Starting next Monday, I was set to work at the school's library for two hours every day, including weekends. I had managed to balance school and work pretty well in high school so hopefully I wouldn't lose that skill in college.

Maddie had also texted me back when heading towards the student union building. She said she saw my text but got so wrapped up in moving in, exploring the campus and meeting people that she forgot to respond. I was mildly hurt that she forgot about me, but I knew Madeline had a mind that's always going in four directions at once. Our schools happened to begin classes on the same day, so we're in the same stages of adjusting to college life.

I cruised through the library, trying to become familiar with it so that I wouldn't be clueless about where everything was on my first day. It was densely packed with tall wooden shelves, matching the tables lined through the middle of it. Three brass chandeliers were level with the balconies on the second floor, where more bookcases could be found. The area upstairs was more private, as it had separate rooms for studying along with plush loveseats and lounge chairs hidden among abundant rows of bookcases. I imagined a younger me thinking this would be the perfect place for hide and seek.

A book had magically found its way into my hands and before I knew it, 4 o'clock had rolled around. I would have left later, but I knew it'd be smart to leave now if it'd take fifteen minutes to walk to my dorm, take fifteen (likely more than that) minutes to change, and who knew how long it would take getting to the quad when I still hadn't memorized the campus by memory.

Leaving the library, a strong gust of wind hit me. This was one of my favorite times of the year, where the air was warm but there was a constant but pleasant breeze, signaling that autumn was on its way. Although it was warm during the day, it was that time of the year where it became chilly once the sun had set. Veronica wasn't in our room when I walked in, so I took the time to change pants. I put on some boyfriend jeans but kept the same shirt on. I briefly brushed my hair through so it didn't look so unkempt from the wind, but I didn't need to do much since it barely reaches mid-neck. I also fixed a bit of my makeup and applied some lip stain. 5:40 came around so I decided to head out. Making sure I could see this time, I snatched my white framed glasses off my dresser and slid them on. I packed up my woven messenger bag with my necessities and left the room, making sure to lock the door.

Arriving at the quad, Charlie was already there. His curly hair moved with the breeze and he noticed me as I approached him. The sun was just beginning to set and I hoped we wouldn't be out too late, for fear of messing up my sleep pattern. He took out a hand that was resting in the pocket of his jeans to wave at me.

"You came," He smiled.

"I'm not one to ditch new friends," I smirked. "Can't risk ruining my reputation before I even get one." I shrugged, but we both chuckled at that.

"Are you ready?"


"Let's go, then." He motioned me to follow him away from the campus. We walked down the street before getting to the bus stop. While waiting, I came to wonder something.

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