Chapter 4

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Hooray (or not) for a long chapter! There wasn't really a good place to stop but hopefully you'll enjoy it (especially towards the end) xx

Thank you to aneonsky for the banner up above !

After finishing our coffee, pastries, and note- taking, Charlie and I headed back to campus. Well, he brought me back to campus then took a bus back home in another direction. I made sure to see where all the stops were and how to get to the coffee shop so that I could return tomorrow, camera at my side.

Ellis sang about four more unknown songs, and during each one I managed to get distracted from my work to listen to him. Charlie seemed to notice this, as he consistently had to regain my attention towards him during and after taking notes. It was rude of me, but I couldn't help it. Hearing it live made it even more stunning. I didn't know why I was so attracted to his singing, because the songs he performed didn't require too much strength and power from his voice. His emotion and subtle melancholy is what I think drove me.

Students still walked in and out of the dorms, some looking like they were going out on a date and others a sleepover. Cracking open the door to my room, I was met with darkness.

"Veronica?" I whispered.

Stepping forward quietly, I assumed she had fallen asleep early due to getting tired out from her first day of classes. It was only 9 pm.

My assumption was wrong, as when I took my third step I was met with a hard hit in the face by a large pillow. I couldn't help but let out an "Oof," when it happened. Normally I would've screamed, but I had a feeling something would happen. Madeline had done this to me plenty of times during sleepovers, and I fell for it every time. I rested my case- Veronica really was just like Madeline.

Her high pitched laughing pierced through the darkness, but continued after the lights turned on. She melodramatically held her hand on her belly, heartily laughing like an old man. "I got you good,"

I huffed. "I'm wearing makeup so I guess you saved me some time in taking it off."

"Once again, I got you," she smirked mischievously. "I used your pillow."

I sighed as I began taking my shoes off. "I didn't realize we were back in sixth grade."

"We're all middle schoolers inside," she threw my pillow onto my bed then sat down on hers. "So where were you?"

"I was out with this guy-"

"Oooh!" She said melodramatically, once again.

"To copy his notes," I finished. "I couldn't see the PowerPoint and it was too late to change seats." I shook my head, sighing at how exaggerated she made the situation.

"You could've just done it at the campus library, I saw you at the bus stop but I didn't want to embarrass myself," she huffed. "This also could've been done at more reasonable hours."

"Look, he said meet up at six so I didn't want to question it. I really don't want to fall behind on the first day of classes, especially since I caught the professors attention."

"That doesn't sound good," she said, her arms extending behind her to support her weight. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything, I just couldn't see the screen and I guess she noticed 'cause after class she told me to sit closer," I sighed, running a hand through my hair thinking about that day. "At least she knows my name. In a lecture hall that large, it could be useful."

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