Chapter 15

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Dipper didn't even have a second to figure out what was going on before Gideon lunged at him after pulling a sword at his side from its sheath. He instinctively scrambled out of the way, but soon regretted it. He began the painful roll down the stairs, earning a fair amount of bruises before the real fight had even begun.
"Come on now, boy, are you even gonna put up a fight?" said Gideon, throwing a sword down the stairs next to him. He was getting very annoyed with being called 'boy' by a kid younger than him. He grabbed the sword and ignored his complaining muscles as he fought his way to his feet. Bill defended you, multiple times, do something with the life he saved and repay him! He thought to himself. It gave him the extra push he needed to stand to his feet. His determination outweighed his exhaustion, and it was soon forgotten as he stood and faced his challenger. This kid is the only thing standing in the way of me and Bill, and all of our freedom. It's up to me to get to the other side.
"So, this will be interesting!" Gideon said with a twisted smile of excitement, stalking down the stairs as though Dipper were his prey. He didn't give him another moment of being full of himself. He dashed up the stairs and aimed for Gideon's stomach, but the blow was deflected, and the two locked swords. The deadly dance of blades began. For once, Dipper had the strength advantage, but he was still the one with less experience, and that soon became clear.
       The little brat was moving with insane speed, and Dipper was having a hard time keeping up. He earned a fair amount more cuts than Gideon. If this fight is ever going to end (without me skewered on the end of a blade), I need to up my game. If I lose here, everyone I'm close to dies! An image of Bill being tortured to death flashed in his mind. He would have it the worst by far; it would probably take any priest a long time to figure out a way to actually kill him, but the scars on his chest... They would certainly hurt him before he took his final breath; it would my be quick. And who's to say Gideon won't just do it himself? That stupid pendant clearly has some power over Bill, and him and Gideon don't exactly get along. Cipher might anger the troll so much that he snaps!
      Suddenly, nothing else mattered. All he could think about was Bill's imminent death. His own life didn't matter as much; if he died here, at least he'd die freer and it would happen more quickly, but Bill didn't have that going for him. With this new goal in mind, of not just freeing everyone, but protecting his lover from a gruesome end, his movement became more fluid and he began to see more openings. Sword fighting was almost natural to him in that moment, and soon he had Gideon backed up to a wall. He was a machine.
       Even with all his determination, his body couldn't ignore all of the blood being lost. He began to feel lightheaded and uneasy on his feet. I have to end this soon... He thought. Just then, he saw another opening: the kid wasn't protecting his feet. Dipper dropped to his knees and swooped his leg into Gideon's, knocking him to the ground. There was a moment of sheer panic in the kid's eyes as he fell. He landed with a grunt, but before he could get up, Dipper had his blade aimed at his throat.
All the color vanished from Gideon's face as he looked into Dipper's unwavering eyes. "Y-you can't kill me!" he said desperately. The brunette narrowed his eyes. "Well I'm sure you'd have no problem killing the captain," he said coldly. He knew this was all an empty threat; when it came down to it, he had no problem killing evil, but a human being... No matter how annoying or jerky, this boy was still a person, and no person deserved to die. Even with those guards, all he ever did was aim to immobilize. However, he wasn't about to reveal that to the enemy at the other end of his blade.
Gideon actually found the courage to laugh. "You think I'm gonna be the one to kill that fool? No. I need him. I wonder which navy will pay the most ransom money for his capture... Then again, I guess I really couldn't care less what happens to him then!" he replied with a venomous, icy voice, and Dipper retaliated by gently pressing the tip of the blade against his neck. He made a pig-like squealing noise, then shut up immediately. It was clear that Dipper meant business.
"Let us go, Gideon, and we'll leave you and your remaining guards alive, and never come back," the brunette said, taking the blade a little farther away from the kid's throat. He smiled evilly and looked straight into Dipper's eyes. "You've made a big mistake coming here, boy." Then, suddenly, Gideon kicked the blade in Dipper's hands, and since he wasn't expecting it, he had't tightened his grip soon enough and it was knocked from his hands, sliding across the room and out of reach. Dipper's first instinct was to keep fighting somehow, even without his weapon, but Gideon still had his, and there would be no way to get past it without earning that blade in his belly. He slowly backed up, attempting to get closer to his sword, but Gideon saw through it wouldn't allow his plan to succeed, backing him into a corner.
Now he wasn't just backing up from Gideon because he had a sword, but it was as though the teen represented Dipper's defeat. He wanted of get as far away as possible. I can't lose here, what will happen to everyone else? Wait, I know exactly what will happen! I can't let my friends die, this is their only hope! His heart beat a mile a minute and his breathing was extremely shallow. He didn't want to show this amount of fear to his enemy, but he couldn't suppress it; there could be no way to win it now. He frantically looked around for something nearby to throw, but there wasn't any furniture within arm's reach, and if he ran, he would run into a wall. Is this really where it ends?! He thought, despair threatening to consume him.
With a sudden leap like a wild raccoon, Gideon had him pinned on the ground in mere seconds. Dipper looked up at his face in horror, seeing a mix of his own blood and Gideon's blood staining it. He desperately thrashed, but he had lost too much blood and could barely sustain consciousness. "Sorry, boy. You've lost this one, and now you and that little boyfriend of yours will meet your makers before the morrow's end!" Following that, all Dipper remembered was a sharp pain in his head, and his world faded into inky blackness.

AN: Just thought I should warn you guys, the next chapter will be the last T^T

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