Down The Rabbit Hole

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Hai there readers :3. I'm here to just say that thanks to the advice of my very close friend I will be making longer chapters and they will be better(: 

Bye Bye 


My mouth dropped as my mind processed the fact that some black eyed girl no only talked to me but disapeared right in front of my very eyes. A million questions danced inside my skull but the one to hit my lips first was the very obvious and cliche "What was she?"

"A girl possessed by a demon," the Lola girl spoke from behind me as I still stared at the ground where Rowen's feet had just been planted. "Are you okay?" Concern filled her voice as the leaves crunched beneath her boots. 

Her hand touched my arm softly, pulling me from my mind and I shook my head a little. "Y-yeah I guess," I looked over at her. "Who are you?"

"I am Lola, demon hunter extrodiner at your service my dear," she gave me a smile.

I raised my eyebrow in surpsise. " So you hunt... demons?"

"That's right honey dew," she walked passed me and picked my duffle up. "I don't figure you've had breakfast yet so we're going to a cute diner I saw on the way here,"

I nodded, knowing what diner she was talking about and I grabbed my pillow and quilt. 

"You can put that in the jeep," she walked in front of me on the way to outside where I saw a black, 2007 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon, with the top off, which I only knew the name of because my absolute love for jeeps. 

"Oh wow," I sighed with a smile as I ran my hand gently down the passenger seat door. 

"What?" She throw my duffle in the back and climbed in, I followed in suit with my pillow and blanket. 

"I love jeeps, you don't even know how in love I am with your jeep right now, " I smiled at her. "I might have to steal her,"

"You can't steal Delilah!" She gasped mockingly as she started the glorious machine and it purred to a start causing my smile to grow. 

The radio blasted the middle of a  song I knew and I had to stop Lola's hand from turning it down.  "I may never sleep tonight, as long as you're still burning bright," I belted the Panic! At The Disco song out, not caring if I sounded good or bad. A demon had pretty much targeted me and the song relaxed me so much. Soon the song ended though and we had been parked in the diner's parking lot for the last parts of the song. 

"You're a really good singer," Lola hopped out with a smile. 

"My father always told me to never sing," I stiffened at one of the few memories before he started the abuse as I had to climb out due to my 5'2" stature. 

We walked into Millie's diner together and Millie herself eyed Lola from behind the old fashioned, 60's style counter. The whole diner was decked out in a red and white 60s theme and in our small town it wasn't much of a surprise locals giving an outsider dirty looks. Of course they all knew me as well and knew my situation so it was also not a surprise that they didn't trust people with me that weren't from in town. 

Millie gave me a smile which accented the laugh lines around her lips and slight crows feet entangling her deep mocha eyes in a way that could only be found on a woman with much experience in working their ass off. "Hey sugar," her thick southern accent coming through immensely. 

"Hey," I slightly waved with a grin. 

Lola sat one of the red apulstered stools and crossed her arms onto the counter. "Can I order?" 

"Sure thing, what can I get ya?" Millie questioned, pulling out a white notepad from the red apron wrapped around her slim waist. 

"Hmm, egg over easy with buscuits and gravy," Her eyes averted Millie's to meet mine. "Order whatever you like hun," 

A slight blush crept up my cheek because of the fact that Millie was giving me the look. You know the one that pretty much screams "What the hell is going on with you two?" Yeah I'm sure you all know what look I'm talking about. "Um, just pancakes please?"

"Sure thing," She eyed me and Lola suspiciously before posting the order on a rotisery that went to the cook and walked away to other tables to take orders.

I sat down next to Lola. "So demon's huh? What else is there?" I questioned curiously. 

"Most everything that lives in your darkest nightmare is out there,"  her face turned from light hearted to very serious. "I can tell you how you can protect yourself but I think maybe you should come with my sister and I for protection,"

"You have no authority to give that offer out," A cold woman's voice came from behind me. 

I turned to face a tall woman staring intently at me with chestnut eyes. Her matching in color hair was pulled back into a high bun as she stood there, arms crossed, looking  a mix of annoyed and pissed off. 

"She needs protection Jordan!" Hissed Lola.

"We can't take her with us like some stray cat Lola,"

"But Rowen is a-"

"I'm sitting right here!" I finally shouted in anger. One of my biggest pet peeves was being talked about as if I'm not there listening. People stared and I knew I was making a scene but I didn't care. I was too angry to care about anything but chewing their heads off. "And don't worry about me Jordan I won't come. I can handle myself." 

"Yeah," warm breath crept across my collar bone. I recognized the voice instantley as Rowens but the feeling of arms around my waist was unfamiliar and I jumped in shock. "She can handle herself," 

With that the whole diner disapeared around me but was replaced soon after with grey walls of concrete. A musty smell hit my nostrals first and I scrunched my nose in disgust. The thing to pop out at me most though was the chair smack dab in the middle with chains practically begging to trap someone in their iron grip. It wasn't a far leap to assume that the someone was going to me. 

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