Suffering Is Just Wages for Being Different.

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Hey guys ^^ I'm sorry for taking so long to update. A lots been going on and I don't have internet at my mom's house so I can't update when I'm over there so it makes it difficult. I hope you like this chapter guys :3

Bye Bye


"Get out of my father you bastard!" I screamed, thrashing against my bindings. 

"I haven't been out of your daddy's body in over eleven years doll face," He gave a sly smile. "It's been so fun beating the shit out of you. Hearing your screams of pain was simply music to my ears,"

The realization that my father had never changed, never become the monster I feared most, both filled me with relief and bubbling hot rage. "You son of a fucking bitch! I'm going to kill you, you fucking hear me?" 

The chains began loosen their grip and the floresent lights that were purched on the ceiling above us started to flickered in a fast pace. The grin that was already plastered on my father's face widented. "Yeah, get angry Alice. Get frustrated. I've been beating you, insulting you, ever since your pathetic excuse of a mother died!"

"Don't you fucking dare talk about my mother!" I screeched. The lights flickereed faster than before and I could feel something inside myself. Overwhelming power was filling me up and I didn't understand what it was but in that moment I didn't even care. "I'm going to kill you! You're going to die by-"

"You kill me, you kill your daddy." He interupted. 

"I know that I'd rather be dead than to be used as ameat suit to torture my own daughter," Lola spoke up, staring at me intentley. " That's just me though,"

My eyes were trained on my father's now black eyes, in my head wishing that the chains would just fall off. These damned chains attached to this damned chair that kept me from.... wait. I looked down quickly to see my bare arms, chain free. A grin filled with triumph spread across my face. My head slowly lifted to look the demon straight on and I stood up tall and proud. 

The power welled inside me like when you put too much air in a balloon, ready to burst out of me. I could barely contain it and frankly I didn't want to contain it. This was my weapon and I was gonna use it on that sorry son of a bitch. It whispered in my head, giving me the instructions on exactly what to do. So I did as told and pushed the power towards everyone in the room but  Lola. They were all now stuck to the wall like posters pinned to a teenager's wall. 

"You are going right back to hell," I hissed, my face now close to my father's. "I'm going to send you there until I find a way to kill you,"

His care free demeaner had faded as soon as I had stepped up from that chair.  He was scared and for good reason, it wasn't like I had that much control over the power I possessed. Faintly, I heard gunshots from outside of the basement door but I was already too far gone to care. My real father was in there and there was no way I was going to get that black eyed bastard out of his body.

"Just squeeze your fist and he'll be gone." the power whispered to me. 

"I'm not going anywhere," the demon growled defiantly.

"Yes. You. Are!"I squeezed my fist, forcing him to come out in coughs of black smoke. 

Liquid could be felt on my face but I didn't care. He was almost out and I felt it.The black smoke was all the way out now and seeped through the floor leaving a nasty black stain as my father's body fell limp on the concrete floor. 

His eyes could barely open but they were filled with so much love. "Thank you, sweetheart," he spoke in short breaths and I immediatley fell to my knees in front of him. 

The world faded behind me and it was just us two. "Daddy..."

"I wont survive much longer baby girl. I just want you to know I love you and I'm so very proud of the strong young woman you have become," he smiled softly and reached up gently to whipe the blood that had dripped from my nose. "There is something that I need to tell you and I must do it very quickly. I am not your biological father..." He was whispering now and could barely sit up.

His words sent shockwaves through my body. "W-what?" 

"I planned on telling you," he coughed. "When you were 18. You will always be my daughter in my heart but biologically you are not.... I love you so much my sweet, sweet girl," His eyes closed and I knew he was gone.

"I love you too." Tears slid down my face and I was filled with pain. Pain of the loss... and pain of being lied to. Soon exaughstion as well as darkness engulfed me.

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