Curiouser and Curiouser

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First chapter woot woot! I'll be posting frequently because I've already written most of the story :] Thank you so much for reading. Oh and a little disclaimer this is a lesbian story so if you don't like that you probably won't like my story. I'm a lesbian myself and I wouldn't feel comfortable writing a straight story. So yeah just a little note.

Bye bye 


The alarm clock rang out through my dark, almost closet sized room which could only fit my full sized bed. Groggily, I smashed the off button and rubbed my eyes. It was Saturday for Christs sake, why was it going off? The new silence was interupted once again by heavy footfalls and a banging on my door. 

"Alice what the hell is that noise?!" My father's slurred yelling came through the door, waking me up instantly. 

"My alarm clock dad!" I shouted back so he could hear me as I grabbed my brown and blue plaid duffle back. I crammed as many clothes as I could inside followed by my small pillow and patchwork blanket. 

"Why in the fuck is it set on a fucking Saturday?!" He tried opening the door but I had made sure to lock it before going to sleep. It had become a habit over the years.

"It was an accident dad!" I slipped the window on the right of my bed open slowly and through my duffle out before climbing out, thankful that I was small enough to fit through it. 

As soon as my feet hit the grass, I had grabbed my duffle and was gone. Running away from home for years I had become a very fast runner. If I was alowed to I would join the track team but my father would never let me join a sport or club. 

The place I was running to came into vision, it's mighty steal gates and hills of headstones giving me the comfort I welcomed warmly. Most people would probably say that I was insane to be most comfortable in a cemetary but if they had my life they would understand. I through the duffle over the fense, knowing that the cemetary gates wouldnt be open this early, and hoisted myself over. 

"Hey mom," I whispered to the headstone in front of me now. "He's severely drunk again,"

Not expecting a reply, I spread the quilt over the ground where her body would be under the ground and placed my pillow right in front of her headstone. This was normal for me, laying there listening to music. Usually I'd read or munch on an apple if I had grabbed one. 

"I'm just gonna lay here and listen to music for a bit okay?" I sat on my quilt. 

"Okay,"  a woman's voice hit my ears, sounding cold and smooth as velvet. 

The random voice made me jump and I quickly looked up to find myself staring at one of the most beautiful girls I'd ever seen. Her skin was creamy and pale with eyes of a stormy grey. Long blonde hair encircled her face, reaching well past her shoulders, and her full lips held a smirk. 

"Hello there Alice," she spoke, her voice cold but yet casual. 

I tilted my head to the side like a confused puppy. "How do you know my name?" 

"Oh I know a lot about you Alice Kingston," She took a step forward, forcing me to take a step back. 

"Don't come any closer," I struggled to make my voice not shake. "Now I don't know you and I kind of don't want to so ju-" 

"Oh come on Alice, you know me," her smirk grew as well as my uneasyness. "Aw, do you not remember our passionate nights together you and I?"

"I-I'm a virgin!" I shouted. My cheeks were flaming and I made sure not to look at her. 

"I know you are now bu-"

"Rowen!" Another voice interupted her. It was that of a woman, bell-like in frequency. A little like a child but with an adults undertone. 

I turned to face this unfamiliar voice's owner to see yet another beautiful girl. This one had sharper features though, with paler skin then that of the other girl. Her eyes were a piercing sapphire shrowded by raven black, razor straight bangs. Her lips were a deep scalet and I felt the urge to kiss them so bad. 

Shaking the thought out of my head I looked back over to the girl I first talked to who's name I assumed was Rowen. 

"Yes, Lola?" She spoke the name like it left a bad taste in her mouth. 

"Leave her alone," Lola's sharp eyes were now almost in slits. "Now" 

"Fine, fine," she rolled her eyes. "But I will be back for her and you know it."

"Just leave already you black eyed bitch," Lola spat with fury. 

Wait, black eyed bitch? What was she talking about? I looked straight at Rowen's eyes that were once gray, now an instense midnight. I look away for five seconds and that's what happens? REALLY?

"Now Lola, those are fighting words," she smirked coldly before disapearing. 

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