The Unexpected

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I tried not to cry but, I've never seen Jacob like that! He turned a light shade of pink, his accent got heavier and his hair frizzed, it was kinda hot... I looked past his looks and his words hit home. All D'Lila does IS compliment me and I ignore her totally! I felt as the tears streamed down my face and they just kept coming. I looked at Jacob through my tears and he looked disgusted in me. with that, I ran out of the cafeteria and down the hall to the "abandonned staircase". It wasn't REALLY abandonned, It's just rarely used by students because everything happens in the main staircase and hallway. I threw myself onto the floor and began to cry aloud, I didn't care anymore, Jacob, Princeton, Prince, the love of my life, hated my guts! Jealousy's a bitch. I wish I could take it back. I sat infront of a wall facing it, I took out my pocket knife and pressed it against my wrist until I felt blood gush out slowly. I did it a few more times and dropped the knife, hands touch me casing me to jump.


I watched as Rayan literally ran out of the cafeteria and down the hall, i would go for him but, we're not on speaking terms plus he's he's 17! He's acountable for himself. I walked over to D'Lila as she looked at me half sad and half annoyed.

Me: What?

D'Lila; Is he crying?

I couldn't understand... of course he was crying, I went in on his cocky ass!

Me; He made you cry, H-

D'Lila; That wasn't my question Jacob. IS. RAYAN. CRYING?

Me; Yes, Rayan is crying.

She rolled her eyes and pushed past me without saying a word. I felt jealousy build up in me, he out her to tears, why does she care so much about him? He's wrong for her! I slammed my fists on my lunch table and sat down, I tried to mask my feelings because Chresanto, Craig and Myles were making their way over here with Kourtney. She was a true baddie! Everyone drooled over her but, she friendzone's EVERYONE! She'll only talk to Ray... WHY DOES RAY TALK TO EVERY BADDIE?! Shit, nigga.


I grabbed tissues and sprinted down the hallway. I ran until I reached the "abandonned" staircase, I slowed down and peeked around the corner where I saw a tore up Ray. The next thing he did caught me off gaurd, he reached in his pocket and pulled out a small pocket and began to cut his wrist! I wanted to scream but, it could cause him to cut a vein by accident and I didn't want that to happen so I kept quiet and walked over to himslowly putting my hand on his shoulder causing him to jump back a little. I sat next to him with my legs open facing him, he went betwen and hugged my waist while laying his head on my thigh. I took his slit wrist and aplied pressure with the tissue. He looked up at me with tearfilled eyes then returned his head to my thigh. when his wrist stopeed bleeding, I began to stroke his hair as we sat in silence.


She was so gentle and kind, i don't know why I hated her. I ignored her and pushed her off and she came to me when I needed someone the most, I guess I can't really hate someone like that. We sat in silence as she stoked my hair, it wasn't an awkward silence, it was a peaceful silence. It felt like ten minutes passed so, I spoke up.

Me; W-why are you so nice to me?

D'Lila; Because, you are human, you make mistakes.

Me; but I've treat you like shit everyday since grade seven..

D'Lila; and I've forgiven you Rayan... I mean Ray.

Me; It's okay, call me Rayan if you want to.

D'Lila; I thought it was strictly friends, family and teachers.

Me; You are a friend.

I looked up to see her face and she looked REALLY happy.

D'Lila; For real?!

I stood up infront of her and helped her up.

Me; Yes, really.

She squeeled causing me to laugh at her excitment and I pulled her into a hug. Man, why was a even mean to her? She's an amazing person, too bad I'm intrested in Jacob... Wait, he and everyone else can't know that! Man, I need a girlfriend. Things might look fishy but, who... Kourtney! She's perfect.

Me: Hey, D;Lila.

D'Lila; oh, so you learned my name?

I laughed at her remaked, that's something Jacob would say.

Me: No, I always knew it, silly! But, uh... I like this girl and she's a friend but, I want us to be more than that... what do I say?

D'Lila looked at me and smirked.

D'Lila; just tell her how you feel...

Me; Okay, I will... Thanks, Dee.

Kourtney was my BEST friend on the female side and I was the only one that knew her deepest secret, she's a lesbian. YES! So if we go out, it'll be no feelings attached, just display. I made sure to text her so she wouldn't be supprised. She agreed to the plan because things were getting fishy on her part too. D'Lila and I walked into the cafeteria together and I sat down at the table with Chresanto, Craig, Myles, Jacob and Kourtney.


D'Lila walked in with Ray and she looked happy... She better still be a virgin or so help he God. When she sat down I sent her a text asking her. She looked at me blankly before answering "Yes, Father, Damn!". Well, someone's getting bitchy.


Ray sat at the table and texted me asking if I was ready, I looked at my food and nodded, trying to make it less obvious. He got everyone's attention and began our plan.

Ray; guys, I have an announcement,


UGGH ! I was listening to my music, what does this Lizard ass nigga want?!


Ray's always making announcements, nigga just speak! Quit being extra and shit.


I was eyeing Kourtney as Ray stated something about an announcement, I wasn't really paying attention though. I never really do.






Oh my goodness! He's gonna do it! He's gonna ask me out!


I walked over to Kourtney and began my "announcement"

Me: Kourtney, we've been friends for a while and... I have really strong feelings for you, I alway did and I wanna be more than just friends... Kourtney, will you go out with me?

Kourtney; Yes, I will.

Chresanto/Craig/Myles/D'Lila/Jacob; WHAT?!

I think this just sparked A LOT of problems... Oh, well.

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