Chapter 13

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When Izayoi woke up early that morning, she stayed in bed for quite a while before getting up. She took a quick bath and got dressed. She went down to the kitchen and asked a woman there to make her a quick breakfast. As she ate, Izayoi was wondering about what to do that day. "I guess I'll go visit Elena and Itzsuna for a while," she thought. After thanking the woman for the delicious breakfast, she went to her father's room to tell him that she was leaving.

Pausing outside his room, Izayoi called out,"Father, I'm gonna go see my friends for a while. Is that okay?" "Fine. Just make sure that Bankotsu goes with you," he replied. Izayoi gulped and said,"Okay." She walked outside and was deciding whether or not to go look for Bankotsu. "Well, if I tell him to come with me, he'll have to whether he wants to or not. After all, that's what Dad hired him for in the first place," she thought. "Where are you going?" she heard a familiar voice say. Izayoi turned and saw Bankotsu behind her. "I'm gonna go see my friends," she replied coldly. Izayoi continued walking and sensed him following her. In a way, it was kind of annoying that he kept following her. However, she still loved him deeply and was grateful that he was still supposed to protect her, at least.

"Have you talked to Izayoi?" Elena asked Itzsuna as they were using the laptops. "Nope. Have you?" Itzsuna asked, going on YouTube. "I think the last time I talked to her was a couple of days ago or maybe yesterday. I'm not sure. I lose track of the time here," Elena replied. "Stupid Reno! He just had to ruin Izayoi's relationship with Bankotsu. How long had they been going out? A week, right?" "Mas o menos," Itzsuna replied. "What's that?" Elena asked. "Oh, it's Spanish for 'kind of'," Itzsuna replied. "Oh." Elena looked away and saw Izayoi walking to them. "Hey, it's Izayoi!" Elena cried out. "Izayoi!" Itzsuna yelled, running over and hugging Izayoi. "Elena told me what happened."

Itzsuna let go of Izayoi and saw Bankotsu stop behind her. Itzsuna gave him a dirty look before saying,"Hey, ya wanna watch some 'Spongebob' episodes on Youtube?" "Sure," Izayoi replied happily. She turned to Bankotsu and said,"You may leave." With an expressionless look on his face, Bankotsu replied,"As you wish." He turned around and left. "So he's still your bodyguard, huh?" Elena said as Izayoi and Itzsuna sat down at the table. "Yeah. Dad's orders," Izayoi sighed. "What episode do ya wanna see?" Itzsuna asked. "Oh, look for the episode where Plankton switches bodies with Mr. Krabbs. It's called 'The Algae's Always Greener' I think," Izayoi replied excitedly(Author's Note: I love watching Spongebob! lol) .

"Do you know the name of every single 'Spongebob' episode?" Elena asked, giggling. "Kind of," Izayoi replied. After Izayoi, Itzsuna, and Elena finished watching several 'Spongebob' episodes, Izayoi said,"Spongebob always makes me happy! I feel better!" "So what are ya gonna do now?" Itzsuna asked. "I gotta go back home. See ya later!" Izayoi waved goodbye to Elena and Itzsuna and set off home. "God! Why does the castle have to be so far away," Izayoi whined. She had been walking for about 10 minutes and flopped down on a rock to rest. After quickly checking the time on her phone, she got off the rock. "Move vermin! You're in my way!" Izayoi turned suddenly and saw a handsome man with silky white hair and a crescent moon marking on his forehead a short distance away from her.

"Hey, man! Don't call me vermin! Who the hell do you think you are?!" Izayoi replied angrily. As the man came closer, Izayoi noticed that he was a demon. What caught her attention was his big fluffy thing over his shoulder and th demon was silent for a moment. "Are you not another one of Naraku's incarnations?" he asked. "No." The demon took in her scent and said,"Your scent is the same as his and yet you're not one of his creations." Izayoi crossed her arms and replied disdainfully,"Actually, I'm his daughter."

The demon narrowed his eyes and thought,"How can someone like Naraku get himself a kid?" He then spoke to Izayoi. "So you are Naraku's daughter. How interesting. Are you a demon?" "No. I'm a half-demon," she replied. "Her demon scent is strong. However, there is a very faint human scent to her as well," he thought. "Who's your mother?" he asked her suddenly. Izayoi looked at him questionably and answered,"Kikyo." "Hmm...I see," he said.

And with that the demon walked away. He was thinking to himself deeply about the girl she had just met. "Rin, where have you been?" he asked the little girl running to him. "Oh, Lord Sesshomaru! I was picking flowers as you can see," she replied happily, holding out the flowers. "Oh and I saw Inuyasha and Kagome talking about a priestess named Kikyo while I was looking for flowers. The were saying something that Naraku had killed her. That's all I heard because I thought you would worry about me if I took too long." He looked a her for a moment before replying,"Come, Rin. Let's go." "Coming!" she said, running after him. "She said that her mother's name was Kikyo. Could it have been the same woman Rin told me about?" he thought as he disappeared into the forest.

Izayoi looked at the demon walk away. "Who was that?!" she said to herself as she continued going in the direction of the castle. "I wonder if Dad knows who he is," she whispered. Izayoi went to her father's room and knocked. "What is it now Izayoi?" Izayoi stepped in and asked,"How did you know it was me?" "I have my ways of knowing where you are," Naraku answered. Izayoi gasped and replied,"You stalker!" Naraku sighed and said,"What do you want?" "Well, right now when I was coming back from visiting my friends, I met this demon. At least, I think he was a demon."

"How did he look like?" Naraku asked. "Umm...he had white hair and...umm...he had a crescent moon mark on his forehead. He thought I was one of your incarnations," Izayoi explained. "Do you know him?" "That was Sesshomaru," he replied. "Sesshomaru?" "He's Inuyasha's older brother," Naraku said. "Really? He looked like a powerful demon. How can he be related to a punk like Inuyasha?" Izayoi laughed. "Sesshomaru, unlike Inuyasha, isn't a half demon. " "Ooohh."

Naraku looked away from Izayoi to stare at something else. "What are you doing?" Izayoi looked over Naraku's shoulder to see what he was staring at. "I'm looking at Kanna's mirror to see what Inuyasha is up to." Kanna, sitting in front of him, was holding the mirror so that Naraku could see. "Inuyasha looks like a red little dot walking in the forest," Izayoi commented. Naraku remained quiet for a while and then asked annoyed,"What else do you want, Izayoi?" Izayoi couldn't think about anything to do and replied,"No. Well, I guess I'll go to sleep now. 'Night, dad." Izayoi gave Naraku a quick kiss(to his annoyment) and then left to her room.

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