Chapter 25

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Kikyo was passing through a village when she sensed a demonic aura pulsing around the area, making her feel uneasy. Kikyo hurried into the village. Some people were backing away from a shrine in the middle of the village. A few villagers there were acting strangely. Kikyo thought suspiciously,"Some of these villagers look possessed. It doesn't seem that this could be Naraku's demonic aura. If that's the case then, I think that I might need help to exorcise the demon that is plaguing this village." A random villager came up to her. "Priestess! We need your help! Some of the villagers are being controlled by a demon!" "Don't worry. I'll be able to exorcise the demon," Kikyo reassured. "However...I will require some help. Is the head priest here?"

"No, he's not here at the moment. He left to go perform a marriage ceremony at a castle," the villager said. "Hmm...where is this castle?" "Just beyond this forest," the villager replied, pointing past the forest just outside of the village. Kikyo looked intensely at the direction he was pointing in. "Something's not right...for some reason," Kikyo thought. "Is something wrong, priestess?" Kikyo turned around. "Oh, nothing. I'm going to go look for your priest so we can exorcise your village." "Please hurry, priestess!" another villager said. The villagers watched her go off silently into the forest. "When did the priest leave?" a woman asked. "Just now," a man replied. "He should be conducting the ceremony right about now."

Inuyasha and the gang were going in the direction of Naraku's castle. "Inuyasha!" Miroku yelled. "Are you sure we should go to Naraku's castle right now?" "Of course!" Inuyasha yelled back. "He won't be expecting us right now. And besides, I'll be able to get both Naraku and his daughter! That wench that killed Kagome!" "But Naraku's always plans one step ahead of us! I'm sure he'll be expecting us!" Sango yelled. "Who cares if he's expecting us or not! Either way, today is the day I'll finally kill Naraku!" "He's hopeless," Sango said to Miroku, who nodded.

Suddenly, something flew past them, almost hitting Inuyasha. "What the hell?!" Inuyasha yelled. "Oh! Hi, Inuyasha! It's been a while!" Jakotsu yelled happily. "Great! What are you guys doing here?!" Inuyasha yelled back. "I've been looking for you all this time!" Jakotsu said. "Whatever! I don't have time to fight you!" Inuyasha exclaimed. "Come on!" He ran faster trying to ignore Jakotsu saying,"Come back, my Inuyasha!" Miroku got off Kirara and yelled out,"Wind Tunnel!" He kept at it until there was enough debris in the air to escape safely without the Band of Seven knowing where they went. Miroku climbed back onto Kirara with Sango's help and flew after Inuyasha.

Izayoi felt all her worries press even more onto her shoulders as she saw that the wedding was almost about to end. "Where are you, Bankotsu?" she thought. If he didn't show up any time soon, Izayoi would be married to Hakudoshi and wouldn't be able to do anything about it. She was trying not to imagine how her life would be knowing that she would have to be with Hakudoshi for the rest of her life. Knowing that she would have to sleep with him that very evening made a shiver run up her spine. "If anyone objects to this matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace," the priest said. Izayoi gulped, hoping to hear someone object.

Reno and Itzsuna slightly raised a hand, but Elena pulled them back down, shaking her head. "Oh god!" Izayoi thought, feeling tears in her eyes. "I object!" Izayoi looked up and turned. She gasped. She wasn't the only one. Everyone present turned around too.

"Dun, dun, dun," Reno said as he still continued to record. "Reno!" Itzsuna whispered angrily.

"About time!" Kagura thought.

"Did you really think I wasn't gonna find out about this?" Bankotsu said, walking over with Banryu resting on his shoulder. "Damn! He just had to show up, didn't he?!" Hakudoshi thought angrily. "Bankotsu!" Izayoi screamed. "You came for me!" "Of course I came!" Bankotsu replied smiling, still walking slowly to her. "Did you really think I was gonna let this albino punk have you?!" Izayoi smiled in relief and tried to run to him, but Hakudoshi grasped her arm tightly and pulled her close to him. Izayoi struggled against him but it only resulted in him gripping her even tighter.

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