Chapter 24

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Outside, the Turks were standing by talking about Izayoi. "Does...Bankotsu know about the wedding?" Tseng asked. "Apparently not," Elena said. "No one told him, not even Izayoi." "Why didn't she tell him?" "I have no idea," Elena replied. They saw Kagura walk over to them and said,"I told a couple of his friends that Izayoi was getting married. But...I'm not sure if they've told him yet." "When did you tell them?" Itzsuna asked. "Just a few hours ago," Kagura continued. "They might've forgotten, though. I'd better leave before Naraku gets suspicious."

The Turks watched Kagura walk back over to where Naraku was. "Do ya think he'll come?" Itzsuna asked. "If they told him, I'm pretty sure he will," Tseng said. "He doesn't look like the type to just let something like this happen." "I hope he comes," Elena said. She look over at Reno, who she had noticed hadn't spoken at all. "What are you doing Reno?" "I'm getting the camcorder ready," he replied. "For what?" Itzsuna asked, placing her hands on her hips. " record the wedding," Reno answered. Itzsuna rolled her eyes. "I guess," she said.

Izayoi paused outside a window on the way outside. She saw the Turks standing in their little group. She also saw Naraku, Kagura, and Hakudoshi in a group as well. Kanna was also present standing beside Kagura idly, having the same expressionless look on her face. "Where's Kohaku?" Izayoi thought. As if on cue, Kohaku came up to her. "Naraku said for you to come down if you're ready," he said. "I'll never be ready for this," Izayoi said hopelessly. The wild thought of running away crossed her mind. "Kohaku, you wouldn't know of another way out of the castle would you?" she asked. "Why?" he asked. "I...I was thinking about...running away!" Izayoi said. "Running away?! Do you have any idea what'll happen if you get caught?" Kohaku said incredulously. "I know it's risky!" Izayoi said. "But there's always a chance that I won't get caught. And besides, I'd do anything to avoid marrying Hakudoshi."

Kohaku sighed and looked at her for a while before saying,"Why are you telling me this?" "Because I need you to help me escape!" "What?! If I were caught helping you, Naraku would surely kill me!" Kohaku exclaimed. "Don't worry! If we do get caught, I'll take the blame for you! I'll make sure my dad doesn't harm you!" Izayoi replied. "I'm not sure about this," Kohaku hesitated. "Please?" Izayoi begged. Kohaku stared at her for a long time before answering,"Okay. I'll help you. I know of another way out of the castle that'll lead you to the place where Bankotsu and his friends usually hangs out." "You know about that place?" "Yeah. He told me that I could always find him there if Naraku needed a job done," he replied. "Thanks so much, Kohaku!" Izayoi whispered excitedly. "Follow me." Izayoi followed Kohaku down to a distant part of the castle that she had never been to before.

After walking for a few minutes, Kohaku suddenly pulled Izayoi behind a wall. "Someone's coming," he whispered. "Shit," Izayoi said to herself. Kohaku leaned against the wall, checking to see if the coast was clear. "Okay. It's safe," he whispered. "What are you doing, Izayoi?" Izayoi gulped as she heard her father's dark, silky voice come from behind her. "Damn!" she thought, not wanting to turn around. "Were you planning on running away?" Slowly she turned around and replied, without looking at him,"Yes." Naraku grasped Izayoi's arm and said,"Come. And you, Kohaku, I'll deal with you after the wedding." "No!" Izayoi exclaimed. "He didn't have anything to do with this, I swear! I made him help me!" Naraku looked coldly at Izayoi and Kohaku. "Very well then. Consider yourself lucky that Izayoi stood up for you, Kohaku." And with that, Naraku walked off to the courtyard, keeping a firm grasp on Izayoi's arm.

"Here," Naraku said, walking over to Hakudoshi. "I caught her trying to run away." He tossed her over to Hakudoshi who caught her. "I had a feeling that she would try to escape," he said softly. Hakudoshi grabbed Izayoi's wrist harshly and yanked her closer to him. He whispered in her ear,"Don't even think about running away this time." "What are you going to do to me if I do?" Izayoi tested him. "Oh, I won't lay a hand on such a lovely thing as yourself," he replied. He cupped her chin. "But if I must, I will kill your beloved Bankotsu. Without him, you won't have anyone else to run to." Izayoi gasped. Hakudoshi smirked with satisfaction as he saw Izayoi suddenly look terrified. He relaxed his grip on her and added,"But you don't need to worry about that...for now. If you do as I say, I'll let Bankotsu live." Izayoi pulled away from him. She didn't know what to say. She regretted that she hadn't told Bankotsu about the marriage. Hakudoshi reached over and gently touched her face. "You look so beautiful," he muttered. Izayoi brushed away his hand and turned away, tears starting to flow down her cheeks.

The Band of Seven was walking through a forest, trying to pass the time. "Today's taking forever!" Jakotsu complained. "Can we go destroy some village?" Suikotsu asked. "Why don't we just go to the wedding?" Jakotsu suggested. Bankotsu stopped suddenly and turned around. "What wedding?" "You didn't hear about it?" "No. Who's getting married?" Bankotsu asked. "Izayoi. She's getting married with Hakudoshi!" "What?!" Bankotsu exclaimed. "Yeah. The wedding should be starting right about now! We could probably still make it," Jakotsu said. Bankotsu didn't reply and ran as fast as he could in the direction of the castle. "Hey! Where are you going, Bankotsu?!" Jakotsu yelled. "Did I say something wrong?" he asked turning to face the rest of the Band of Seven.

"What's keeping him?" Shippo asked impatiently. He, Miroku, and Sango were currently in Kaede's village, waiting for Inuyasha to get back from slaying a demon in the area. "He is taking a long time," Sango said. "Do you think we should go help him?" "No. He's coming," Miroku said. They turned and saw Inuyasha approaching. "Come on!" he yelled. "What's the rush?" Sango asked. "We're going to Naraku's castle!"

"What?!" Shippo exclaimed. "Why?!" "His daughter's getting married today!" Inuyasha explained. "They won't be expecting an attack!" "I don't think that's a good idea, Inuyasha," Miroku said. "Fine! I'll go myself!" Inuyasha said. And with that, he ran off. "Wait! Inuyasha!" Miroku yelled. He ran off after him as Sango, Shippo, and Kirara followed.

The wedding was about to begin with the priest speaking,"We are gathered here today to join these two in holy matrimony-" The guests began to ignore the priest and talked among themselves. "I wish something exciting would happen. This is a crappy wedding," Reno whispered under his breath while he was recording the whole wedding. Elena turned to look at him. "Reno, you shouldn't say that! And besides, we didn't force you to come,"Elena said, closing in on Reno. He pulled back a little from her. "Move out of the way or you'll break the camera!" "Wh-what?! How dare you?!" Elena whispered furiously.

"Hey, you guys! Quit trying to kill each other!" Itzsuna said, trying to pull the two apart. Elena replied,"He's the one who started the whole thing!" "No, you're the one trying to kill my fun with your face. It's ruining my video!" Reno smirked. Elena wanted to wringe Reno's neck, but Itzsuna blocked her with her arm. "Stop this! You're making fools out of each other !" Itzsuna roughly pushed them away from each other. Reno then whispered,"I guess I'll just have to avoid looking at Ugly over there." Elena turned sharply and said, "What was that, Reno?" "Oh, nothing," Reno nervously said. "That's what I thought!" "Okay, that's enough." Itzsuna said and sighed.

Bankotsu was running as fast as he could towards the castle. "Why the hell didn't Izayoi tell me about the wedding?!" he said to himself. He suddenly remembered the conversation between himself and Naraku 3 weeks earlier. +"Bankotsu, I don't want you seeing Izayoi again." "But I'm supposed to look after her," he replied, somewhat angrily. "This is...only temporary. I'm dismissing you from your job for a couple of weeks or so," Naraku said. "How come?" Bankotsu asked. "Family issues," Naraku said shortly. "I would...appreciate it if you don't come around here any longer. Not until I inform you it is okay to do so."+ "Damn! Naraku knew all along about my relationship with Izayoi. Now, he's marrying her off to that bastard, Hakudoshi!" Bankotsu picked up his pace. He was hoping that he would make it in time. "Izayoi, hold on a just bit longer!"

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