Chapter 4

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At the courtyard, Izayoi was sitting on the last step of the stairs when Bankotsu came and said called out her name. She turned slowly, with a dull expression on her face. Bankotsu came closer to her and stared at her before he spoke up. "Hey, Izayoi! What's wrong?" Izayoi slowly replied,"Oh, nothing...just here...bored." Bankotsu was thinking of something that would cheer Izayoi up. "I know what might cheer you up!" Izayoi thought about what Bankotsu had in mind. (I have a feeling that I'm not gonna like this...)Bankotsu held out a hand and she grabbed it to get up. Then, they walked to a place that Izayoi didn't want to go to ever again, ever since she went there for the first time.

She started to complain,"Stop dragging me! You're getting my kimono dirty!" Bankotsu sighed and said calmly,"Ok, then. I'll carry you." Bankotsu grabbed Izayoi and threw her over his shoulder. Izayoi was screaming for a moment and then thought to herself,"He's carrying me!" Izayoi started to yelled at him again. "Put me down! I'm not some sack of potatoes you can just throw over your shoulder!" Bankotsu ignored Izayoi while she was kicking and hitting him on his back. He felt Izayoi slipping from him so placed a hand on her butt and pushed her up a bit. Izayoi screamed when she felt his hand on her butt and started to complain even more. "You pervert! How dare you touch me like that?! When I get down from here, I'll give you a piece of my mind!" Bankotsu continued to ignore Izayoi. He smiled to himself then continued to walk normally, as if nothing had just happened. After a few more moments, Izayoi finally calmed down. She remembered that Bankotsu was carrying her. She decided to take advantage of the situation and snuggled into him. Her face was resting on her shoulder and wasn't really bothered about the fact that he was still holding her butt. Izayoi closed her eyes for a few seconds, taking in the wonderful moment.

Bankotsu was blushing a bit at the fact that she was hugging him and didn't let go. "Uhhh...are you okay, Izayoi? Do you have a fever or something?" he asked, as he sat down on a rock. She cuddled into his neck and said in a slurred way,"No. It's just that I'm so comfortable." "Maybe I should take you home," Bankotsu said worried. "Bankotsu, you're so soft," Izayoi said, unaware that she was taking it too far. Bankotsu was going to lower her down but she didn't let go. "Nooooooo..." she whined. She didn't want for it to end. Confused, Bankotsu patted her on the back and stroked her hair. Izayoi sighed and looked up at him. Bankotsu gave her a small smile. "Hey! What're you two lovers doing?!" Jakotsu's voice spoke. Bankotsu got startled and pushed Izayoi to the ground.

"Hey!" Izayoi exclaimed, getting up and patting her hair into place. "What do you mean by 'lovers'? I don't love her!" Bankotsu said, embarrassed at being caught doing such a thing. "Brother, why did you push such a lovely lady like her to the floor?" Suikotsu said. He walked over to Izayoi. "She deserves to be treated much more better than that." He held out a clawed hand to help her up. Izayoi stared at it for a moment. She suddenly squealed and hid behind Bankotsu. He sighed and crossed his arms. "What did you do to her, brother?" Suikotsu asked. "She's been acting weird for a while now," Bankotsu said. He turned around slightly and said,"You can come out now." He waited for a reply and then repeated,"I said: You can come out now." Somewhat frustrated, he grabbed Izayoi's arm and pulled her to the front. He set her down on his lap like a little girl.

The other members of the Band of Seven were looking at her curiously. She was still a little scared. She pressed into Bankotsu's chest. He sighed again and wrapped his arm around her waist. At his touch, Izayoi felt more relaxed. She knew Suikotsu or the others wouldn't get near her now. "Brother, I noticed that you haven't been training lately," Mukotsu said. "I have to look after her," Bankotsu replied. "If you want, I can look after her while you train," Mukotsu said approaching Izayoi. She squealed in fear again and cuddled into Bankotsu's neck. "I'm afraid I can't let you. I was the one hired by Naraku to protect her. And besides, she's afraid of you," Bankotsu replied calmly, stroking Izayoi's hair again. "Right, Izayoi?" She nodded and looked away. "Brother, have you seen my Inuyasha lately?" Jakotsu asked. "No. But if I do, you'll be the first to know," Bankotsu responded, barely being able contain his laughter. "Please, brother, let me look after her! I won't do anything to her, I swear!" Mukotsu exclaimed. "Sorry, Mukotsu. Can't do that," Bankotsu replied, casually picking a blade of grass out of Izayoi's hair. "I thought he said he didn't love me. Yet he's taking care of me well," Izayoi thought. She snuggled into his neck some more.

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