15 °

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(a/n) There is mature content at the end of this chapter. So, if that makes you uncomfortable you can just skip over it && you won't miss anything I promise xx

I had put on a long sleeved forest green dress which had exposed my cleavage and hugged tightly onto my figure. It stopped on my upper thigh which revealed my bare legs. My hair was curled and fell nicely upon my shoulders and my make up was done neatly without a single smudge.

I smile at my reflection once more before grabbing my heels and my purse, and quietly flying down the stairs as it was now 9pm and Emma had called to say she was outside about 15 minutes ago.

I safely make it outside, avoiding my family, and hop into the back seat of the car as someone was already in the passengers seat. "Kara this is Red." The girl turns around and gives me a smile and a small wave before complimenting my outfit.

"You look beautiful."

"Thanks, you do too." I reply. She's really nice, I wonder if I've seen her around school before. "Do you go to school with us?"

"No I'm homeschooled. My parents think it's too dangerous to leave the house 5 days a week for 8 hours."

I raise an eyebrow at her. Her parents won't let her go to school but she's allowed to go to a party?

"I snuck out." She explains, turning to look at herself in the overhead mirror. "Yeah they think I'm in my room doing some late studying. Frankly I think they'd literally explode if they found out I wasn't the 'good girl' they raised me to be." She was pretty. And by pretty I mean really pretty. Her skin was glowing and her body was just perfect.

"Wow, must be tough...My family doesn't even expect any better from me." Me sneaking off to go to parties was the norm for me. No one even questioned it anymore.

"We're here!" Emma stops the engine and tells us all to get the fuck out of her car.

We all look in the car window at our reflections and start fixing ourselves back up.

"Okay guys so we all need to walk in together so all three of us steal the spotlight at the same time." Red plans.

"Oh hell no. I'm not doing that because once any of you get drunk off your asses I don't what to be associated with you." I say.

I was probably the one who was going to get completely wasted tonight so I was being a bit hypocritical.

"One of us has to stay sober enough to drive." Emma points out and Red raises her hand mid way.

"I'll do it. There's no way I'm going home drunk, my parents will actually kill me."

We make our way into the giant house that has been booming with music which we heard from a mile away, and of course we didn't get two feet in without getting cat called. I was happy that most people were too drunk or high to notice people walking through the door because the last thing I needed was any more attention.

Emma pulled us through the crowds of smoke and people grinding on each other so we could get to the kitchen. "Who's party is this anyways?"

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