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"I don't know- maybe?"

"Well we shouldn't just assume the worst."

"No that's exactly what we should do, assume the worst. If we play it off as some minor shit like stress or exhaustion and it turns out to be something more than that then we'll really be fucked now won't we, boys." My eyes flicker open at the sound of Louis' soothing, yet not so calm voice.

The bright light burns my eyes and I wince, bringing the back of my hand up towards my face in an attempt to block out some of the light.

"Look who's awake." Liam voice says in a joking tone.

"Good. Now that she's up, we can take her to the hospital." Louis' voice sounds.

"No." I hear Harry's voice say from next to me. "She's not going anywhere. She's staying here. I can take care of her here."

The vibrations from his voice rung in my chest, suggesting that we were close and on the same piece of furniture. I tried making out where we were but I couldn't, the light was blindingly bright. As if someone was shining a flash light directly into my eyes.

I couldn't feel where we were. I felt relaxed, I felt my head being heavy with a dull, pulsating feeling. My brain felt too jumbled up. I felt dizzy even though I was sure I was sat still in one place. The dizziness causing me to feel sick to my stomach. I held my breath, trying to calm myself and any involuntary gagging motions.

My hand was still over my eyes for protection from the sharp headache I would endure if the light managed to irritate again.

I feel my body get turned onto its side, the piercing light leaving my presence. "What's wrong?" Harry's voice croaks. I couldn't see him, my eyes were squeezed shut.

"The light..." I manage to squeak out. Jesus I sounded terrible. My throat sounded dry- it felt dry.

"Liam, hit the lights for me." He orders and Liam complies as I could feel the room setting into a dimmer setting.

"Louis and I are just going to head out and get the turkey." Liam says and Harry hums in response- I feel it below me. He must've turned to lay me on his chest.

"Turkey?" I open my eyes and gently scan the room. It wasn't total darkness, just enough for me to make out the outlines of bodies and features. I make out Liam at the doorway, the door partially opened, light trickling through from the hallways.

"I know right? Time flies by. Barely even knew Halloween passed." He pauses, must've seen my scrunched up eyebrows. "It's almost Thanksgiving."

"Oh..." I place a hand on my warm forehead- I must've had a fever- "I forgot about that."

"It's fine." Harry says against the top of my head. Almost like a whisper kiss.

"Louis let's go." Liam calls and Louis complies, after placing a comforting hand on my shoulder as if to say get well soon.

"Where are we?" I roll over onto Harry's chest and fold my arms, placing my chin on top. I didn't recognize the room. And I don't think it's just because the lights were off and the windows were boarded shut.

"My room." He furrows his eyebrows, examining my wound and dragging his thumb over it lightly. His eyes focused.

"Mm." I say to prove my understanding. My head ached. I freeze for a second, remembering something. "What happened?" I look up at him. "Last night. I just blacked out."

"You were unconscious." He informs. "I um. I woke up and knew something was off. You weren't in bed next to me where you're supposed to be and I heard noises coming from downstairs- I heard Zayn's voice and I just assumed the worst." He pauses. He thought Zayn and I were- that's insane. It was a one time thing then he tried to kill me afterwards.

"Then I heard you running up the stairs and...I grabbed a gun and walked out the room and seen you running towards me, Zayn was behind." He continues. "My body was acting too quickly for my brain so I shoved you into the room and slammed the door... I guess I pushed you too hard because you were knocked out and your head was bleeding- I'm really sorry for that-"

"What... no. Harry stop it wasn't you." I grab the side of his face and tilt it downwards so he could look at me. "It was Zayn. He pistol whipped me before I ran upstairs. Probably why my head hurts like a bitch right now."

For a split second, I can tell he was angry that Zayn had hurt me again. But he made sure to calm down for my sake. I didn't need him planning another man's murder right now.

"How did you get away from Zayn?" I ask. It was a needed question since Zayn was so determined to get his hands on him.

"After I pushed you, I shot the gun." He uses his free hand to itch his chin. "I guess it scared him off? I told him if he wanted me he could come back the correct way. But since he hurt you again, there won't be talking next time, I'll kill him on sight." His tone and expression ended in a serious manner. He eventually let it go as he drifts off "I also had to clean up the blood on the floor by the door and all that stuff. Your family shouldn't have to suspect anything."

I nod, only to wince noticeably from the pain that was making its way around again and lay my head back down on his chest. "Baby ... I'll take care of you here, you know. It could just be another concussion."

"Don't you think I should go back to the hospital for them to at least start treatment? I mean-"

"You're staying here, Kara. You'll be safe here and I'll take care of you. You're not going anywhere."

"Harry, you're not a damn doctor-"

"And you're not fucking leaving me. Not again." He cuts me off.

"Harry this isn't even-"

He rakes his hand through his hair and interrupts me once again. "Promise me you won't leave."

I push off his chest to sit up next to him. "Harry what are you even talking about?"

He lets out a deep breath. Something was at the back of his mind. "I just... Kara I love you. And all I want to do is protect you-" He runs his hands through my hair. "But there's a lot that you're being put through. And me, i'm selfish, I know but, ugh."


"The way you're there for me no matter what, like when my gran died, and the way you find yourself back in my arms, Kara... I just can't stop thinking that there's gonna be a day where it all gets too much and you decide to leave me. Even though all this is fucking up your relationship with your family, and school and your friends- I still want you with me. And I'm not the best either because I keep you here even though you get hurt but, baby I want you to stay. And I promise i'll do my best to make sure you never get hurt again."

My heart aches at his words, all I could do was lay back down on his chest and let my body rise and fall along with his from his steady breaths. "I promise."


"Okay okay, my turn. I am thankful for... all this fucking money we got our hands on and all those twisted motherfuckers we had to kill to get to it. Ah good job, boys." Liam toasts and the boys follow as they laugh. I smile, watching them pick at the half burnt turkey they prepared in front of them.

The past few days i've been recovering at Harry's and everything has been almost perfect. No bickering between the boys (apart from when Louis was distracted while helping Harry in his room with something and forgot to take the turkey out. Liam had to save the day and he wasn't too happy by Louis' carelessness.) and absolutely no word from Zayn. Who knows how long this will stay.

Apart from my parents being pissed that I wasn't home for the holiday, things were great, calm. Exactly what I needed for a speedy recovery, anyway. I smile at Harry from beside me and take a sip of champagne, before we dive in.

(a/n) happy thanksgiving, my loves🦃🧡 hope you all have a great holiday and you spend it with the people you love xx.

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