A Hectic Awakening

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Last night's epiphany had completely disappeared out of my system by the time I woke up again around six A.M..

Taylor was still fast asleep, the only change being her sleeping position.

Her hand lightly brushed mine as she twisted into yet another different pose.

And it was six A.M. and the darkness outside had only just begun to fade to a deep dark blue and it was a wonderful moment to be in and I all of a sudden realized I was slightly holding Taylor's hand.

I stared at our hands for a second before letting go as carefully as possible, so as not to wake her.

I went to the bathroom, and when I came back and lay back down on the bed, Taylor raised her head a little in her sleep and murmured something like "...Les....?"

I answered, for some reason. "No, it's Karlie." Her head sank back down on her pillow and softly whispered "Kar....."

I fell asleep again, with a hint of a smile on my face.

I woke up again without opening my eyes. I had a feeling that this was the time I was definitely supposed to wake up, and I wasn't ready to do that just yet.

The bed shifted a bit, and I remembered I wasn't alone.

I slowly opened my eyes to see the deep blue ocean before me. I wondered if I was still dreaming for a second when a voice, vaguely hoarse from sleeping, said "Morning, Curly."

I smiled at Taylor, who was leaning over, supporting herself on her arm beside my hip.

"Hey." I replied, my voice feeling much raspier, for some reason. I cleared my throat and asked her: "D'you wanna eat something?"

"Sure." She climbed over me and stood up on the floor. I, as gracefully as possible, slid off the bed and landed on the floor in a sleepy drooping heap of Karlie.

Taylor knelt down and helped me up, laughing a little. "Shoot, was that my fault?" I shook my head and laughed along. "Nah, I can fall perfectly fine on my own."

We went downstairs to find my mother asleep on the couch. I glanced at my watch confusedly; yes, it was nine in the morning. My mom wasn't supposed to be home, even on a Saturday.

"Sorry, I just need a moment with her." I apologized to Taylor. "Yeah, sure, no problem." She said quickly.

I crept over to my mother on the couch and, for a short moment, wished for an airhorn in my immediate proximity.

'No, Karlie, that would be wrong', the Superego would say.

'But funny as hell', the Id would reply.

I opted to gingerly shake my mother awake, instead. She sat up a fraction of a second after opening her eyes, knowing, just knowing, that she was late for something.

"Karlie, what time is it?" She muttered, half-asleep and vaguely grumpy. She checked the clock on the wall and shot up into the bathroom upstairs to get ready, mutterings of "that damned alarm never works" accompanying her on her way.

"What's wrong?" Taylor asked me as drawers opened and shut loudly and with remarkable speed upstairs. "She's got to be in the studio in about forty-five minutes, and from the hectic behaviour, I assume it's important." Kimberly, who had just emerged from the kitchen replied.

I tried to remember what that important thing was when I remembered another, somewhat important thing. I was about to confront Kim, but Taylor stopped me with an enthusiastic brief interrogation.

"Studio? Is your mom a singer?" "No, she works at an art studio in the downtown area." I answered instead of Kimberly.

While a bit disappointed, there was no denying that she was still sort of impressed by that particular line of work.

"Do you...do art?" I asked, in an attempt to get a proper conversation on Taylor started. Kimberly snorted and slowly clapped at my choice of words, earning a glare of death on par with the one from last night. She left after this one, as well.

"Well, I did do this singing thing when I lived in Pennsylvania. I stopped doing it in public about a year ago after....I developed stage fright." She quickly said the last bit. I guess something was there she didn't want to talk about, and I didn't press her.

"So, you sang? That's pretty awesome." I tried to encourage her to talk a bit more. "Yeah, I wrote these songs, and it was really awesome for a while. I had a sort of 'partner in rhyme' for some of the harder parts to write." She then perked up as and looked out the window past my shoulder, where the neighbours' driveway was.

My mother came rushing down at that moment, and stopped when she saw that someone was in her house who wasn't her daughter. Taylor turned around to meet my mother's eyes. "You must be the fabled Taylor Swift." My mom smiled, and Taylor slowly nodded, looking vaguely bemused and amused at the same time. "Well, I'm afraid I have to run, but I guess I'll see you for trick-or-treating tonight!" And so, she ran out the door.

"'The fabled'?" Taylor mused. I felt a slight warmth creeping into my cheeks. "I don't exactly bring home that many girls, my parents need something to chat about.

"So, what's this about trick-or-treating tonight?" She asked as we ate cereal in the kitchen.

"Well, pretty much exactly what it sounds like. I though you weren't gonna be around long enough for...." My voice faded as I realized that this was starting to sound a bit rude.

Taylor didn't seem to notice it all that much, and from her expression I realized she was thinking.

"You know, you could come over to my place for trick-or-treating." She offered.

"What, seriously?" I was taken aback by this.

"Yeah, I mean, we've needed an excuse to get to know some of the neighbours for months now. So, you in?"

Will my mom be okay with this?

"Sure, count me in!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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