One: Fire and Ice

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One: Fire and Ice

          Ice crystals weaved into the long chocolate brown hair that sprawled across the frozen ground. The girl’s pale complexion blended in with the frozen liquid that rested besides her, engulfing her into its very depths as it continued to land gently on top of her.

Evergreen tress enclosed her whereabouts; the long thin branches detained mounds of snow, the result being that the bark arched downwards in a graceful curve threatening to snap and come crashing to the ground.

The snow piled on her as her chest sustained to stagger up and down in abysmal breaths. She opened her icy blue eyes to see the black sky above her, her breath evidently showing as white smoke in the air.

A roar of an engine flooded her mind, the sound piercing through the peaceful night, disturbing it. As the blare came closer her breaths began to pick up; beginning to pant, she clutched the snow as if it would save her. She didn’t want to leave this, she wanted the cold, she needed the cold.

Soft footsteps headed towards the dark haired girl, the snow crunching under the person’s boots as he strutted forwards. Gentle flakes danced as they floated from the endless sky.

“Anyone out there,” A voice called out, deep but welcoming, she assumed he was a male. She could imagine his appearance just from the three words he spoke, dirty blonde hair and dazzling green eyes.

Her heart pounded as he got closer, could he hear it? Could he hear the thumping that echoed around them from inside her? Would he find her?

He stopped dead in his tracks, a faint whisper escaping his lips as he looked down at the gorgeous girl that rested below him. “Holy crap, are you okay?”

“Yeah,” Her words were soft, gentle, and fragile as if they could break with a simple touch to the cheek, a warm gesture turning into something twisted and broken. “What do you want?”

“I was driving and…” His thought diminished as he studied her. Soft brown waves fell delicately down her pale skin, icy blue eyes staring at him. Her lips formed perfectly over the outside of her mouth, a baby blue instead of the gentle pink that they were supposed to be. Engulfed in a white dress that laid far from where her body ended made her appear smaller than her petite build already held. He continued speaking, “Are you cold?”

Immediately thinking no, the words started to form on her lips, but refused to come off. A chill ran up her spine, making her shiver from the blistering cold that she actually sat in.

“I’m taking that as a yes, come on,” Reaching out his hand, he clutched her arm and pulled her up. Warmth instantaneously spread throughout her body, a feeling so extraneous she thought about shuttering away from the touch.

“What’s your name?” Her words rang through her head, bouncing off her skull and rebounding back into her brain over and over again.

“Owen, what about you,” Soft and gentle the words flooded into her.

“Elizabeth,” Her breath stung the air, white smoke presenting itself in its place. “Elizabeth…” Repeating the words she stared at the black inked sky, twinkling white stars sat over them.

She studied them, as Elizabeth’s long hair eluded her shoulders because of the wind. Chocolate mild waves fell down her face, sweeping down to just below her breasts when the wind receded.

“Where are your parents?” Owen’s voice shocked her back to reality; quickly turning to him she realized she didn’t know the answer.

“I don’t know…”

“Did they leave you here?” He questioned her, as emerald green eyes stared down at her; she saw the flecks of silver that reflected off of the white around them. Streaks of dark brown hid under the blond in his hair, it almost looked atypical, but somehow she knew it was real.

“I don’t know anything but my name,” Her voice merely a whisper she stepped forward towards him, towards the heat.

“Come on, you can come home with me,” Owen reached for her hand, as he trudged through the snow.

As they walked she already started to long for the small frozen flakes that rested on the ground, but at the same time she knew that going with this boy was the right thing.

The right thing that would turn out wrong.         

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