Eight: Angels

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you probably hate me cuz i havent updated...lol sorry about that :/ welll hes a new chapter! :D PLEASE leave a comment and vote!!! :D


His words swam through her head; they twirled in circles as it sent shivers down her spine, a roaring whirlpool of confusion.  She stared at him, the words being assimilated into her mind as Owen tensed behind her, ready to assail.

            “You need to come with me,” Ethan’s voice drew her in, the magnetism so strong that nothing could resist. Compulsion laced through his voice, coating it with a copious layer as it dripped down to the floor, splattering it with it.  

            Elizabeth started forward to the angelic voice, perhaps into the arms of death himself, a disguised demon. But Owen held her back, gripping her arms so tightly wound she feared it’d draw blood.

            She knew the pain that sliced through her like the back of her hand, sharp and ragged. He clutched onto her so hard she didn’t feel it, a pain so intense that it wasn’t comprehendible to the human brain.

            “Owen,” Ethan stepped towards them, an irritated edge in his voice. A growl escaped his perfect lips; a terrifying gleam shone in his eyes, a hatred so pure that it stung like venom in her brain even if it wasn’t directed at her. “Let her go.”

            Ethan’s rage charred inside of his warm brown irises, there was something inside of him that wanted him away from her- no- needed him away from her.  The grievance of it all dumbfounded him; the question of why pounded into his head, smacking it into the sides of his skull. Even through the murk he still knew he required her- now.

            “Elizabeth please,” He held out his hand to her, an offer she seemed obligated to take from the compulsion that laced through his voice, seeping into to her skin.

            “He’s coming with us then,” the words left her mouth before she could stop them, like a fan that spun, impossible to stop.

            Ethan opened his mouth in protest, but the icy blue eyes stopped him. It wasn’t a glare that portrayed in her eyes, but a deep desperation that glowed through like a light in the darkness. Something that even the wisest of men could never comprehend, only unless they had felt the great pain of misery that washed over her at that moment; only if their memory was lost in a sea of misperception and only had one thing that kept them safe, made the trifling flicker of a flame blossom into a wildfire that spread throughout their core. The emotion that filled her eyes was such desolation that it was beyond that, something hazed over in a fog, unclear.

            He nodded reluctantly and grabbed her hands as Owen tried staying as close as her as possible as they walked away from the cabin.

            The wind still hurled itself on them, throwing itself in gust that blew her small body into Owen. She slammed into him hard, knocking the breath out of her lungs, the air so frosted with ice she couldn’t seem to get enough oxygen back in. It stung her throat, grasping it fingers and ripping away the warmth that nested in the back of her esophagus.

            A million colors rushed before her eyes, the grogginess of sleep still held her in its grasp, pulling her back under. Elizabeth was shoved in the car, a light musky smell coming from inside of it. Her brown hair swung in her face, obscuring her sight. Owen pushed the strands back gently, careful not to actually touch her skin.

            She looked up at him and saw the guilt rising in his face, cheeks red from the cold of the outside. The pain now seared in her arm, as she looked down a gasp formed in her throat.

            Bruises in shapes of handprints formed over her arms, the black and blue stood out clearly against her skin.

            “I’m sorry,” He whispered, as she fumbled her hand over to touch him he leaned away. Closing his eyes he breathed in and out, a look of respite flooding his features. As soon as his hazel eyes shone again the fear came back, the fear of what he had done, what he could do.  

            “Don’t be,” Her tone matched his in perfect sync; the same pained level captivated them both. The drum in her chest pounded once more, again from fear.

            But the same adrenaline did not pump through her veins as she saw the man she dreaded; it was different yet all the same. They held their eyes there for a second, maybe not even, until he tore his gaze from her.

            “Where are we going,” Elizabeth turned her head towards Ethan who sat in the front seat, a frustrated façade on his features.

            Not a word breathed from his mouth, holding the air as his vocals made a whisper.

            Each minute sat in silence, the sixty seconds dragged out to the illusion of an hour, and an hour a day.

            As she stared out the window, a sudden chill ran through her. Images of black figures mocked her vision; the car ran past the white glistening snow. Elizabeth closed her eyes and prayed they’d go away, that they’d leave her in peace for the first time since her new beginning.

            For she really knew nothing, like a newborn baby, with only the knowledge of language she could communicate through the native tongue everyone here spoke.  She was hardwired with a dictionary in her brain, wires connecting it to every part of her. The pretty girl sat there in her ponderous thoughts of wonder, thinking that maybe she wasn’t the human alleged to be. Maybe she was something more, something more indicate.

            A screech echoed the stiff air around her as the break slammed, bringing her forward and having a warm welcome with the hard seat in front of her.  

The seat belt didn’t catch, didn’t even work. She would’ve hit harder if Owen didn’t grab her back, only letting the bridge her delicate nose grace the seat.

With a click the door opened, and she practically slammed onto the cold substance below her, Owen following in her path. As she looked to expecting to find Ethan, she saw the face of the many angels that gazed upon her.

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