Five: Traces

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this is dedicated to the person above bc she is an amazing writer waiting to be discovered(: go and check out her stories (my fav is shadow stalker(; ) and comment, vote and fan her! :D


Five: Traces

            Elizabeth sat in her room, face drained of color; only leaving the translucent looking white that filled her face. Black and blue bruises sat under her eyes sockets from lack of sleep; red splotches ran through the white of her eyes from the tears that raced down her cheeks earlier, coating them in the salty liquid.

            She tried swallowing the lump in her throat, the back of her mouth so dry she couldn’t even ingest her own saliva.

            A water bottle sat next to her, unopened, unused. She obtained it quickly and untwisted the cap, a soft crack as the top ripped away from the plastic on the bottom; the sound rang in her ears. She could almost hear the longing of the two trivial pieces of plastic wanting to be together, but knowing they can’t because their bond was forever broken.

            Owen sat across for her, staring at her intently. Blue eyes projected his figure back to him like a picture, the image so perfectly obscured in the warm ice.

            He wondered if this was even real, wondered if that man ever really came to the door or if this was all just a dream. A dream he’d wake up from and be back to 24 hours ago, when he didn’t have to worry about her, worry about Elizabeth.

            His own mental slap hit him hard, she wasn’t a problem, he thought, it’s what’s happening to her. But that was the question wasn’t it? What was happening to her? Or was it all a scheme, and soon she’ll start laughing and leave him? Talk about a cruel, sick joke.

            Elizabeth ran her hands across the wall, feeling the texture of it. Memorizing every detail of how it felt, how the small mountains tickled her finger as they brushed over them effortlessly. The cream paint, missing from certain areas, only specks of the previous color, white, as the color blared the fact it was there. Maybe she had done this once already, maybe not.

            An abrupt rush of fatigue overcame her, the idea of sleeping so tempting she had to try to resist. Each second was a battle, a war that went on between her subconscious and conscious state, of what was right for her and what she wanted.

            Her head hit the pillow and she blacked out.


            Her breath caught, heart pounded, chest heaved, as she sat up in her bed. The shock overwhelmed her system, overflowing her mind with the details of what she remembered, of what she went through.

            She could see the blonde hair, blue eyes, and the black pavement in front of her as she ran. The screaming of voices as she propelled herself forward, away from the hotel that her parents were being murdered in, with tears in her eyes.

            They wanted her to run so that’s what she did, she ran. She ran for what seemed like hours, miles, all along the same road. Not stopping for water, directions, anything she ran like hell.

            And then she was out of breath.

            She panted as she sucked in oxygen from the trees around her, esophagus to dry she wheezed. The cold air pricked her throat, stinging it angrily as she put her hands on her knees hunching over.

            Trees rustled, snow falling into mounds on the ground, ruining the insubstantial layer of ice that sat over it. Her breathing stopped, as everything went eerily still.

            A boy stepped out of the trees; he couldn’t have been much older than her with his chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes. Slightly tan skin peeking out through the black hood that engulfed his head, he gawked at her. A sense of safety asphyxiated her, she felt like she knew him.

            “Elizabeth, its Ethan,” The name sent relief washing down her spine, as she shook not from the frigid temperature she stood in, only a thin jacket covering her body. “Come here,” He beckoned her with his hand.

            She stepped over to him cautiously, each step critical to her survival.

            Sadness poured into his eyes as he gazed at her, his hazel eyes littered with traces of gold and remorse.  “I’m sorry,” He whispered as he smacked her with a piece of wood upside the head.

            Pain shot threw her; she wondered why he did that, she thought he was on her side. “Why…” She could barely get the words out before everything went black.

            But now she stared at the fortress around her, insulation and other materials keeping the heat inside the house.  Elizabeth could barely think with the heat scorching her, stalking her everywhere she went. No privacy, never alone.

            Ethan invaded her thoughts. She could still see his brown hair glistening from the light of moon beams shooting down from the sky, hazel eyes matching the exact same toned highlights he had. His pearl teeth stood out against his pink lips, as he spoke. But there was something about him that Elizabeth couldn’t place, something different, something abnormal.

            And it was that fact that stopped her longing to want to meet him again; the only question that also stood between her and the rest of the world. What were they?


so what did you guys think? :D and dont worry im gunna go back and re do the last chapter so its gunna be alot better and ill tell you guys when i change it!! :D comment, vote, fan <333


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