0.14 - dear friend Winston

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Low on self esteem so you run on gasoline.

The group of teenagers aside from Minho and Thomas scavenged around to try and find anything useful. They had found water and some packaged food, Ivy had found a backpack and looked around for a weapon. While being in W.I.C.K.E.D's 'Safe heaven' she was so pissed, that was the last thing she had of Albys and they took it.

"Hey love." Newt whispered in her ear. "Hi." She replied shuffling around going through boxes and bins trying to find anything she could use as a weapon. Newt watched in confusion but then grabbed her arm to stop her. "Baby talk to me." He said the nickname fourine to him. Ivy looked up at him, her bright green eyes widdened at the name. "They took the only thing of Albys that I had." She whispered sitting down on the mattress that was infront of her. She held her head in her hands and sniffled back some tears.

Newt sat back down beside her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder and bringing her into his side. She crumbled into his lap as tears fell down her face. "I lost two of my closest friends." She cried. "They're gone and I'm never getting them back." She cried holding the small figure that Chuck gave to her.

"Ivy it's okay, everythings going to be okay, I promise. I'm not going anywhere." He mumbled into her hair as a single tear fell down his face. He hated seeing his girlfriend like this, he loved her so much. It hurt him to see her in pain. Newt held her until something shiney caught his eye. He got up and walked towards the object finding a knife. He picked it up and watched as something fell off it. He bent down and picked up the object and soon realized that the heart on a chain was a necklace.

He stuffed the necklace in his pocket and stood up with the knife in hand. "I know its no bow, but it'll do." He said bending down in front of her. Ivy looked up, her green eyes meeting Newts hazel ones.  "Come on take it." Newt insisted. Ivy slowly took the knife from her boyfriend's hands' and gave him a small smile. "T-Thanks." She mumbled. Newt smiled and kissed his girlfriend's forehead. "Anytime love." He mumbled against her soft skin.

"RUN! EVERYBODY RUN!" The sound of Minho and Thomas's voices grew louder as the pounding of their feet grew louder. Frypan, Aris, Winsyon, Teresa, Ivy and Newt all stood when they saw the two boys rushing towards them and a herd of Cranks running behind them. Newt grabbed his girlfriends hand and started running as the others followed behind.

They went through twists and turns of the large building they were in before they ended up pushing against a door to keep the Cranks away from them. Winston pulled out a gun from his back pocket and aimed the weapon at the Cranks trying to push through the door. Winston screams filled the area as a crank ripped open part of his stomach. "Winston!" Ivy yelling reaching out to grab him so he wouldn't be hurt anymore. Frypan picked the boy up after he slammed the large steal door closed and ran after the others. Newt made sure that his hand never left Ivy's, he wasn't going to lose her due to one of these crazy things.

Everyone finally got out of the large building and ran further and further from it. When they decided that they were a good distance from the building they slowed down to a stop. This was one of the first times Ivy took in the large building around her and the ruined city they walked in. The whole thing was nothing but rubble, huge chunks were taken from the buildings like bombs went off or something. "What happened here?" Ivy whispered, Newt squeezed her hand in his tightly not knowing what to do to comfort her.

"Does anyone else here that?" Thomas asked aloud, a low rumbling sound was getting closer and closer to them. "Everyone hide!" Thomas yelled pushing everyone towards a small opening between some ruble and a few beat up cars. They all watched as a huge machine like thing flew above their heads moving on without noticing them. "Wicked?" Teresa asked. "Probably, and we aren't sticking around to find out."   Minho said exiting the little dugout first. Everyone followed behind him as they headed towards the mountains so they would be out of W.I.C.K.E.D.S territory.

The group of teens made their way through the sandy grounds having to block their eyes every so often due to wind picking up and blowing sand into everyone's eyes'. Coming to some rubble of a building everyone decided that it would be a good idea to stop for a well needed break. Winston was laying off to the side groaning every so often, Frypan was watching over his friend carefully making sure that he was as comfortable as possible. Teresa and Thomas went off to talk trying to guess how much more ground they had to cover until they would find another place to stay. Newt, Ivy and Minho all sat together in the shade of the ruins and passed a water bottle back and forth between everyone.

"Hey how much longer to go?" Minho called to Thomas, the boy turned to face the group an unfamiliar look on his face. "Uhh, not much longer!" He called back. Newt sighed, "Well that sounds promising." He mumbled making Ivy laugh slightly. Ivy watched as Teresa walked away from Thomas which made her stand up. "I'm going to go talk to Thomas." Ivy told Newt before walking away.

As Ivy made her way towards the teenage boy that stood alone she cleared her throat. "Hey Tommy." She said knowing he only allowed New and herself to call him that. Oh hey Ivy." He mumbled. "How are you?" She asked trying to ease into a conversation. "I'm okay." Thomas replied shortly. "I know you miss Chuck, Thomas, I do too." She said quietly. Thomas looked at her with his brown eyes resembling a hurt puppy, her looking the same. "He was like my little brother. I promised him he'd get to meet his parents at least once." Ivy said, after a few minutes of Thomas not saying anything Ivy dug into her pocket and grabbed this little wooden statute that Chuck had carved. "Here, you can hold onto it for a bit, take care of it." She said holding it out for him to grab. When he did she kissed his cheek before walking away holding in her tears.

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