Happy birth day (memories part 2)

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Jeff's POV
I was hanging out with the dudes at Angel's house.
"Hey, isnt all ur guys birthdays tomorrow?" Asked Jules
"Oh ya it is." I said
"Yay!!!" We all yelled
The next day
"Guys we are finally 15 years old." Said slender boy
"I know right." I said
"OH SHIT!!!!!" yelled Angel as he spread out his wings. No one saw what happened but Angel was just laying on the ground in PAIN. The we saw someone standing on top of Angel. We couldnt see his face but he had horns.
"GET OFF ME" Angel kept saying and every time he said it. He just responded by saying.
"Say my name, bitch"
"CRISTIAN." Angel finally said
The guy then got off of Angel. But Angel could barely stand when he got up. The guy just stood there and looked at him
"I told u i would come on ur 15 birthday, last time i saw u, u were only 2 years old." The cristian dude said
"Well i didnt want u to."
"Why not. I am ur brother."
"Shut the hell up."
"Why should I." He said. Angel pulled out his swords but just threw them across the room. He pulled out his scythe, and his black robe just appeared on him. No one could see his eyes but we did see a purple little stars where his eyes were.
"There is the Angelito I know." The guy pulled out a little pitchfork.
They started fighting and each time the guy just pushed and with the bottom of the pitchfork. He just kept smiling and laughing. There was no way Angel was gonna win.
"Come on, I thought u could get even more mad. I guess i was wrong. Nothing gets passed that tender little heart of yours. Where is the Angel i saw that day."
"I told u. I wouldnt do that again."
"Well that's a shame." No one saw when it happened. But the guy was whispering something in Angel's ear and at the same time impaled him with his pitch fork. Angel went completely insane. He took off his hoodie and it didnt even look like Angel. His eyes were blood shot red and skin was just melting until he was just a skull with red eyes. He pulled the pitch fork out of his chest and ignored the giant hole in his chest. He grabbed is scythe again and swung at him. He started slow and just kept getting faster and faster until he looked like a tornado. But the tornado was red and it took the shape of Angel. It started swinging at the dude. But each time the guy dodged it or blocked it with it weapon.
"Take it back cris." The tornado said
"That sure is a shame. Isnt it Cris."
"I could say the same."
I've never seen Angel like this. But i dont be that guy.
The guy threw his pitch fork at Angel and it just impaled him again.
"Happy birth day." He ran up to Angel grabbed the pitch fork and just floated in the air, constantly just poking him. Then the spinning stopped and i saw his face in a mirror. That wasnt Angel, it was clear, that was the face of a cold blooded reaper. He dropped his scythe, the. It was gone, he pulled out a little needle and pricked his finger. Blood started to drip and the blood on the ground made scythe. He picked it up and just stood there.
"There is the real Angel." He said
They started fighting and no one could see them. We only saw sparks. Then they stood across from each other. They were gonna start fighting again but a figure got in between them and put his hands.
"ENOUGH!!" he yelled
They were gonna hit each other again but then they were both thrown back by something.
Angel went back to normal.
"Time out, for both of u."
"Daaaaaadddddd." They both whined "wait. DAD!" They both said
"I thought u was dead."
"U cant kill something that is immortal."
"Well let's put that name to the test." They both said
"No!!" Said another figure
" moooooooommm." They all whined
"Son u are prob wondering y the hell. Are we alive. Well on a reapers 15 birth day he turn into the new reaper of all the universes. Which means taking lives is ur new job. So now that the new reaper is announced. His family comeback from the dead for one day. So let's party. Like for cris. U remember the party. But u were training so we did bother u. That day. Cris turned into satan and then he became the king of hell. So what are we doing, let's celebrate." She said
They all left and we all were standing there with out mouths wide open, wondering the fuq just happened

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