Chapter 9

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Angie and Andrew had been gone for hours, shopping for the twin's birthday . Angie had left money , for lunch, and it's already

eleven thirty .

"Eric," I called, from the kitchen. He walked in.

"What?"He asked.

"Get all the kids ready , we're going out for lunch now."

He walked closer to me.

"Y ou asking me out?"He asked, winking. I laughed, probably a little too hard.

"In your dreams," I said, rolling my ey es.

"Actually I had a dream about you. We were both sweating."He replied, winking.

"Ugh, pig." I said.


There was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in, unless you're-"Eric walked in. "Wow, it is you. I'm surprised you even knocked."

"Because I thought you might have been naked. And I want it to be a surprise for tomorrow."

"Ew, no. Wait, what do you mean? What's tomorrow?"

"The twin's birthday , of course. My parents alway s take the twins and Kim out for dinner. And I alway s have a huge party , each

y ear."

"Well you can't get me involved."


I was on my fourth alcoholic beverage. Every thing was blurry , and I had no idea what I was doing. I think I made a few new

friends, but I can't really tell. I'll need some, considering summer is only a week away , and I needed some more friends to hang

out with.

Someone grabbed my hand, and lead me to a bedroom.


I woke up, in big strong arms. I looked over gently , to see a boy 's face. I quickly got up, taking the blanket, to cover my

nudeness, when I noticed it was Eric. I screamed. Eric woke up, startled, and looked over at me, grinning.

"Told you I'd see you naked."He winked.


Eric and me had been cleaning the house for the entire morning, ordered by Angie. We had found every thing from watches, to

bloody tampons. I had told Angie, about Eric, and she rushed off.

Thirty minutes later, she rushed back in, dragging me upstairs.

"What?!" I asked.

"Take this,"She whispered, out of breath, handing me a pregnancy test.

"Y ou don't think...?"

She nodded.

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