The Truth About Love

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Chapter 1 (Austin's point of view)

"Austin! Come on!", The cheerful voice of Annaliesse called from down the road.

It was the middle of December and there were only five days until Christmas. Annaliesse and I were doing our last minute shopping as usual. The local mall was only about a15 minute walk from our neighborhood which was always convenient. Our little town in Iowa was somewhat magical. Newcomers never saw it but people like Annaliesse and I will always see it. Iowa was snowy, just the way we liked it. I don't think I'd ever be able to live somewhere else.

Who am I? I'm Austin. Austin Mahone. There's nothing special about me. Really there isn't. Just a 17 year old boy who sings, plays guitar, and is one of the best athletes on the middle cat basketball team. Never once have I been considered popular and I'm glad I never have. My group of friends is all I really need. There's Alex, my absolute best friend in the world. He was in love with Sybree, the blonde (extremely) talented cheerleader.

Then there's Robert . Robert was star of the football team and any lady would be lucky to be his girlfriend. But Robert won't tell me who he likes. Zach...He doesn't participate in school sports much. He and I always go skateboarding together. Zach was hopelessly in love with the one and only......BethAnne Matthews. The black belt in Tae Kwon Do with flowing brown hair that reached an about midback and had the most gorgeous sparkling eyes.

Then there's Annaliesse. Oh Annaliesse. We've been best friends ever since we were four. And oh, is she beautiful! I have so many feelings for her. But at the moment I'm friend zoned. But anyways she's perfect. She's a natural brunette but she dyed her hair so now it's a dark red which I think it's absolutely gorgeous. She always flicks it off her shoulder. I love those little things about her. She had the funniest laugh and she hates it but it's one of my favorite things about her.

"Coming!", I yelled running after her!

It was one of the snow flake flurry days. Unforunately, I wearing my black beanie with a t-shirt and shorts in this freezing weather. But of coarse, Annaliesse was bundled up with her coat and long sweatpants with her ugg boots. I knew she would never give me a break if I told her I was cold so I just had to pretend I wasn't.

"You're not cold?", She asked once I had finally caught up to her.

"Haha no! I'm not a wimp like you.", I teased.

Oh crap. I was shivering.

"Alright then...whatever you say.", She smirked.

I watched her carefully as she kicked the snow around with her boots. The silence wasn't awkward I was just dying for some sort of conversatioin between the two of us. Epiecially her voice. Her voice fills a room with joy and dazzled me every time she spoke.

"So what are you getting David for Christmas?". I asked.

David was her annoying 8 year old brother who was like a brother to me too. Every time I came over to her house her taunted us with the whole "Austin and Annaliesse sitting a tree" thing which she always says, "David stop! We're like brother and sister that would never happen." Yep....Like I said I'm friend zoned.

"Yeah he wants some dumb power ranger toy. How about Alex? What does he want?", She asked looking up at me.

"For once in my life...I don't know."

She burst out laughing and I pushed her playfully.

"It's true! I have no idea what to get him!", I laughed.

"Well I'm right with you cause I don't know what to get him either.", She giggled.

After that we had arrived at the mall Annaliesse immediately took my hand and dragged me to her favorite jewelery store. Actually it was more like a little booth in the middle of the mall but she loved it. Plus, Her best friend BethAnne worked there.

"Why are you taking me here?", I complained as we got closer.

"Because I have to find the perfect necklace for Sybree! Plus yoou might find something for me.", She smirked.

Once we got there, BethAnne and her screamed and hugged immediately.

"Did you save me that necklace?", Annaliesse asked.

"Of coarse! It's perfect for her!", She said as she held out the necklace to Annaliesse.

The necklace was a heart locket with the british flag bedazzled (or whatever that's called) on it to represent her love for One Direction.

"Oh my gosh BethAnne! This is perfect! I still have to pick out something for Logan!"

Logan was the blue eyed blonde that everybody loved. She had a bubbly personaility and she was always happy. She was Annaliesse's other best friend.

"What am I supposed to do?", I asked sitting down in a nearby chair.

"Shop for your special someone!", BethAnne said winking at me.

BethAnne knew I had a crush on Annaliesse and she insisted that I ask her out already but I always told her it was never gonna happen. Annaliesse didn't like me in that way. She doesn't and she never will.

"Fine. I will.", I said.

I knew I had to get Annaliesse something anyways. We always got each other something. Her present that she gave me was always better then the one I gave her which always made me feel bad. But I had learned a few rules over the years to buying her presents.

Rule 1: Never buy her anything with her name on it. She hates how her name is spelled and she doesn't like to be reminded of her name everywhere she goes.

Rule 2: She always asks what the price of it is. Always. She never wants anyone to spend to much on her because she feels like she's not worth it even though she is. If it's too expensive in her point of view she'll return it.

Rule 3: She hates anything she can't use at school. Litterally. She feels as if she can't wear to school or if she can't use it at school there's no use for it. She's dumb like that I know.

"No Austin there's no time! I found the perfect one!", She giggled as she handed the necklace to BethAnne.

The necklace said Robert with a crystal heart at the end. Well now I know who Logan likes.

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