Our Revelation

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We've been hearing it over and over.

Some don't believe it.

Some are bored of hearing the same thing.

Some are excited.

Some are scared.

Some are ready..

But.. Are you ready?

But what is it..?

"The End is near."

The end of times are here, God is coming.

We all heard this. We've been hearing it over the years it seems to be getting tiring to hear. But the truth is,

The end is nearly here. Some people freak out, some people get scared.
But this isn't the time to be freaking out or getting scared.

You want to enter the Lord's Kingdom? Great! But you can't just enter all willy nilly. You can be the sweetest person on earth. One who doesn't swear and does good deeds.

But do you believe in God? Are you spreading his word? Do you speak to Him? Do you have Him in your life? In your heart?

Let me start by saying..

We need to be prepared.

"No one knows the day or the time. The angels in heaven don't know, and the Son himself doesn't know. Only the Father knows."
‭‭Mark‬ ‭13:32‬ ‭

No one knows, right? It will be unexpected, but everyone will see the day Christ Jesus returns. In that day, on that time..

Where will you be?

Will you be hanging with friends? Seeing some swearing youtuber? At a party? Committing a sin?

On that day, Jesus will no longer be your lawyer trying to defend you, but that is the day you will be judged.

We were made to but just like Jesus.

Just like Him.

We were made to become perfect. If by the time He comes and sees you committing a sin, there will be no mercy.

We are the teens, for Christian teenagers all over...

We are the generation! We are the generation whom will rise and prophesies of the visions ahead of us.

"'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams." Act 2:17

We must get ready.. For the time of Jesus Christ is coming..

Put on your armor, because this is going to be one battle we have to win!

The devil is a roaring lion, and we must fight.

Prepare yourselves.

And if you want to repent, do so. Because we are living the last days.

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