Chapter 9 - Epic

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I woke with a blurred vision of everything that happened the past three days. They still seem like a dream to me. I am forcing myself to stop smiling, then I thought about Kendall. The only guy who made me feel extra special. I wonder how his flight went.

I get up my bed unable to point out what is real and what is not. I know I might never see Kendall ever again and it sucks, big time. The thought of it made me feel sad immediately. "Maybe it was all just a dream" I told myself.

It's still dark outside. Maybe I woke up too early for today's class. I checked my phone and it says it's only 4:23 in the morning. How many hours did I just slept? I didn't even bother counting. I'm not even sleepy.

I grabbed my phone and noticed I have two new messages and an e-mail. I checked the messages first.

[Gerald: Hey! I was just wondering if you went to that date with the boyband guy?]

Oh, so Kendall's now degraded to the boyband guy without a name? And Gerald sent this message like just 2 hours ago.

I didn't bother replying and proceeded to read the next message.

[Gerald: Nevermind. You don't really have to answer it. Good night, Alex. Have a good day ahead, maybe?]

I don't get it. Maybe I'm having a hard time catching up with reality right now that my mind can't function right and quick. Or maybe the lack of sleep or something. Or might be the excessive happiness? Would that even be a valid reason?

I was surprised to see who sent the e-mail to me.

From an unregistered e-mail address and yet I knew who it is.

[ Subject: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight]

My smile returned. I'm not sure if because Kendall e-mailed me or because he made the book I gave him the subject of this e-mail.

I'd say both.

[ wrote: Hi there, Alex! I know you might still be asleep. Anyway, I hope you liked the gifts I gave you. Sorry it's the only stuffs I thought you might like. Thanks for the presents. I love them. I might wear them most of the time. And the book. I started reading it on the plane. By the way, we just landed in Singapore and it is pretty nice here. But I'll have to say, I'd rather stay there.]

I can feel my cheeks are flushing red. I'd rather have him stay here as well but everyone knows how impossible that would be.

[So, yeah, the book as I mentioned, funny how things happen and change in four minutes, right? Trust me, it just happened to me and it is one of the best feeling I ever felt.]

Almost instantly I shouted "What?" while I'm still smiling for no reason at all. I'll have to figure out where the humor is in this e-mail.

[Hadley and Oliver, they are two people destined to meet each other for obvious reasons. I still don't know for what reasons because I haven't finished the book yet. You might wanna tell me so I can stop guessing here. Love at first sight is love at first sight. But will it change once you knew the person? Anyway, the point is, if you found that person you like, you'll never let it go no matter what, right? Whatever fate holds, I will never let it go. -Kendall]

And there he ended his e-mail just like that. "Oh" I whispered. "Don't ever let it go" I told myself again and again. I'm not sure what to reply to these words so I got up and decided to took a bath.

While I was in the bath, I'm thinking of what a good response I'll send him and there goes nothing. I just stared at the bubbles forming in my tub and thought "well, maybe I won't let it go either. But is this what love feels like?" I'm unsure. Hey, are we going to forget how Logan made me feel lucky by being his Worldwide girl? He's also sweet and I have to admit, I also like Logan. I always liked Logan.

But Kendall's really different. I can feel the sincerity in his actions and words. He is the guy you'll be proud to introduce to your parents and boast to your friends. He is the guy you'll love to flaunt in public with.

I stared blankly at the wall unable to decide what to say. I finally got up my tub and dressed for uni. The clock says it is 5:17 in the morning. I still have time.

Finally I started to type a reply.

[ Subject: Good morning]

[ wrote: Hey! I love the presents, no need to worry about it. I even loved it more than my personal copy of BTR and Elevate. And with the book. Honestly, I haven't finished it yet. When you gave me a present I just fished it out in my bag and I thought it's the perfect book. I mean, not really perfect but for, um, you know? I'm sorry, I'm not good with words and I suck at writing essays, not that this is an essay but words just keep coming and I'm unable to write them properly. They are all jumbled in my head. I actually hope you can stay longer here but I know you've got priorities and everything. But just so you know, I'm always here for you. I'm always here for Big Time Rush. By the way, thanks for the amazing memories. I won't tell anyone about it, promise. And if anyone won't let go of me, I will never let go as well. -Alex <3


Can I unsent a message? I sounded like a clingy girlfriend to some famous guy. Talking about priorities? I shouldn't have said that. Why did I even wrote about the thing in my thoughts? Those jumbled words? Ugh. Things are done and now they can't be undone. This is Kendall Schmidt I am e-mailing for Christ's sake. Forget I wrote those. I have to go to uni now.

As always, I went to class earlier than most of the other students but today, I went earlier than expected. I went straight to my classroom, put on my earphones and I fell asleep on my desk.


I remember this night.

I'm back from the night of Big Time Rush's concert. This time I'm standing in the first row with Gerald beside me. There are confetti's falling around the venue and bubbles flying plus the smoke effect. The stage is much smaller but brighter. Strobe lights flashing everywhere and a spotlight on the middle of the stage.

The show's about to start, I can hear the music blaring, when Gerald held my hand. "No matter what, do not go on that stage, okay?" He told me. I looked at him with confusion in my eyes. "Alex, you'll never leave me, right?" He held my hand tighter. I'm not sure what this is about.

I don't understand. Why would he not allow me to go on stage? It's as if Gerald knew, Kendall went out from the side of the stage and reached his hand to mine. I looked at Gerald who is clearly not happy with the idea and shaking his head, but I took Kendall's hand and went on stage.

It is the same feeling I had, except I am Kendall's Worldwide girl today. He did exactly everything that Logan did, the same words and gestures, the hugs and to my surprise, the kiss. I noticed Gerald on the corner of my eye going farther away from the stage until I can't see him anymore.

I woke up as soon as the song is done. The room is filled with cluttering students whose faces are so familiar to me and yet I don't know who they are except for their names.

The dream is weird. I'm not sure what it is about. I don't wanna formulate a meaning for it because, of course I had dreams before, but not this weird though. "It's just a dream" I told myself. I grabbed my phone soon as the professor went in. I typed fast, ignoring the professor's angry vibes.

[To Gerald: Hey, sorry about missing your message earlier. If you're going to ask me how I am, I'm good. The date went well. Please don't tell anyone. Thanks! See you on Friday.]

A/n: Sorry this took so long. And I'm sorry it's short. I'm still in the middle of exams. The story isn't finish yet. If you're still reading, thanks a lot! Comment and vote if you liked it or not.

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