Chapter 11 - Til I Forget About You

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It's been 2 months since the last time Kendall last e-mailed me. I e-mailed him twice after but I received nothing back. It came to me what other people were trying to say before, that he was just being nice to me.

I've seen few of his interviews where he said he isn't dating anyone and isn't even interested to date someone. So much for my fairytale, right? Of course this isn't fairytale. I never believed in one of those.

The issue had now subsided. No ones talking about it anymore like how Kendall's not talking to me anymore. I'm now a face without a name once again. And this is how I picture myself my whole life.

It's the start of summer here in Manila and the hot air of April is fast approaching. My graduation was two weeks ago. I'm finally free from those people I don't even get the chance to know.

"You know what I hate most about our climate? We don't have the same summertime as most countries have" I told Gerald whose on the phone and we clearly have nothing serious to talk about. "You see, everyone's excited about summer parties in America. Why don't we have one of those?"

"Actually, we have. You're just not informed about it Ms. Introvert"he stated like it is a fact which is apparently true anyway. "And I think you're wrong with that or all you care about is having a good time now since we're done with universities" of course he also graduated from pilot school.

I bit my lip unable to ask him the question I've been keeping for the past months. He's been my best friend my whole life. I'm afraid he'll leave me again. "So, where are you headed now? You know, now that you've done pilot school"

I heard him chuckle a little, "we've always dreamt to go around the world"

I smiled, "of course. And now we're a little closer to that. Want a bet?"

"What kind of bet?" He sounds confused.

"Whoever get to tour the world first will treat the another to, um, Disneyland?" I laughed but I remember how our bets would always be Disneyland when we were young.

"Or whoever gets to tour most places in the world excluding Philippines, which I know you've toured most of, within the span of a year or 2 will get the free Disneyland trip. Deal?"

I'm not sure if I'll win this but I've got a job offered to me from a hotel at California where my aunt used to work at. At least I'll start from there then get a job at some international airline. That will be easy, right? "Deal!"

"Alright! So what's the fuss I heard by the way?" I almost forgot it was the main reason why I called him.

This is it. I might be scared about him leaving me but what about me leaving him behind this time? "My auntie got me a lobby receptionist job at California"

Awkward silence followed. I'm not sure what else to say. He's not saying anything, either.

I decided to break the silence, "look, I'm not sure yet. I don't want to go.."

"You should go" he cut me off. I haven't decided yet. I don't want to leave plus the fact that it is in California. "You should go and try to see if Kendall and you are going to work out"

Why does he have to open up this topic? Of all, I swear I never want to talk about this. "I haven't decided yet" was all I managed to say.

"Besides" he continues, "you'll be a step higher on our bet" I didn't say anything. There's nothing good to say now. "All I'm saying is that you should go. Remember, 'opportunities like this only comes once in a lifetime'"

That's it. I hang up. To mention working out with Kendall is too much. To quote a phrase Kendall said on their TV program is another. Gerald knew that Kendall was the only guy who ever made me feel special. He knew Kendall was my first love and now he's gone.

Two months ago, I was the happiest girl I knew in the world. Now, I don't know what to feel anymore. I don't feel nervous or scared anymore.

Gerald sent me a message.

[I should have told you about this 2 months ago but my mom told me not to. She said that you and Kendall are not allowed to talk to each other or their manager will drop everything under contract between them, plus other artists they know of, and the company where my mom works. I tried reaching Kendall and luckily he replied. Of course I said I was your best friend. I told him about mom's company and the contract thing. Then I passed the conversation between him and mom. Mom apparently told him that we were not best friends after all, that we are actually dating and that you're just using him just so you'll have a name somewhere out of your limits. I only figured out after few weeks and I was about to tell you but mom threatened me she'll kill herself if their company falls. I'm sorry, Alex. I'm sorry all these have to happen. I hope you can still forgive me and my mom]

I need the guts to take everything in. Tears are starting to form in my eyes. For two months, everything that happened was all in plan not by me and Kendall but other people I know and cared for.

I replied a very short message back.

[When did this happened?]

He replied fast.

[Right after your date. When the first article about you and Kendall went out. Look, I will try to help you working things out with him. I will try to e-mail him again. I'll do everything. Please, trust me again.]

I ran through my bedroom door and went to my parents' room. Without knocking I opened the door, "I've finally decided! I'm going to California"


Kendall's POV (two months ago)

As I read every detail on this e-mail, I realized how much I've fallen so carelessly to someone I barely know. It was a mistake trusting her my feelings.

It wasn't true that I was the first guy who made her feel special. Gerald, she told me he was her best friend since they were young. The truth is, they're dating for almost 4 years now. What does this make me? An idiot who believed in everything she said.

I quickly typed a reply back to Shirley Callaguez who knows Alex better than I do because she's Gerald's mom and she works at Titanium Sounds, the record company tied to us in their country.

[I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused to your son's relationship and his girlfriend. He seem to be nice actually and played along until before you told me about them. I won't bother Alex again. Titanium Sounds' contract will still proceed. I'll talk to our manager as soon as I can]

I hope she knows how to sense sarcasm.

It's the first time in my entire life that I've actually fallen in love. Everything felt right. Even her lies sounded right. It sucks that I have to give up on her this way. I just have to forget about her. It won't be hard, I've only known her for a few days.

I've finally decided to block her e-mail so I won't receive anything from her. After all, she lied to me. She doesn't deserve my attention now.

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