Chapter 1

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Ellie's mind was filled with worried thoughts. There was too much to be thinking about, which was why she found herself sitting at a small pub in New York. She had been fired from her job as a waitress at a diner no longer than twelve minutes ago, and already, she was worried about what would happen next.

She was all alone in New York, all of her family and friends in Michigan. She hadn't realized how alone she was now that she wasn't busy with the diner. She had no one to turn to. She had been working non-stop for the last two months, and now she was fired. Why not drown your sorrows with alcohol? She rarely drank it, but she found that it was needed in this situation.

How long until I find another job? What if I get fired again? What if I can't pay the rent for my apartment? What if I- "This seat taken?" Ellie looked over to find a blonde haired guy smiling brightly. She shook her head and watched as he sat down.

He was definitely attractive, blue eyes, blonde hair; he looked like he was too good to be true. She wondered why a cute, well-dressed guy like himself would be talking and sitting beside a pitiful and sad looking girl like her.

"My name's Chris," he stuck his hand out. She softly grasped it and shook it.


He smiled, "Nice to meet you, Ellie." The bartender came walking up to him. Ellie's mind started wandering off again. She didn't see why this guy randomly started to talking to her.

"What can I get you?" He asked gruffly.

"Nothing to drink for now, I was actually wondering if I could put this paper up on the window." He replied, a charming smile lit on his face. The bartender raised an eyebrow.

"Depends. What's it for?"

"Roommates application." Ellie's eyes widened, it was perfect. Why hadn't she thought of that?! She could become someone's roommate!

"Sure thing."

The guy named Chris started to walk towards the window, Ellie left money with her completely full drink. She followed Chris out to the window where he taped the piece of paper. She knew he was a nice guy, or so he seemed, so why not? Worst comes to worst, if she really hated him that much she could leave.




Ellie walked into the apartment building, it wasn't anything special; but it was an upgrade from her apartment room. Chris walked to her, signs of remembrance evident on his face. "You're the girl from the bar! Ellie!"

Ellie nodded happily, while Chris brought her to the living room. He sat down across from her on the couch, and then someone else walked in.

Ellie's breath was taken away. He had spikey, black hair, and he was built like a brick house. His muscles were easy to make out under his white shirt. Hot pocket in hand, he walked to sit with the two of them. "This is Oliver," Chris spoke.

"Dude, I thought we agreed on no chicks," Oliver said with his mouth full. Ellie awkwardly sat there while the two argued about her being there. It would've been better if she weren't there, that's how they were treating her.

Chris shook his head, "Don't judge her. She's nice." He turned back to Ellie, "So, why are you looking for a roommate?"

"Well, I just got fired from my job at a diner... I really don't have the money to be living on my own right n-"

Oliver groaned, "Greeeaaat. She's a mooch! She wants us to pay rent for her!" Ellie narrowed her eyes into slits, glaring at the obnoxious Oliver. Sure he was sexy, but he was an arse. Chris was also glaring at him.

"That's actually not what I meant, thanks. I have money to pay rent, I just won't have it for very long. I need to find a job, so I was hoping this would be a temporary home." She glanced at Chris, who was looking at her with pity.

"Okay..." The questions continued to be fired at her, and of course, Oliver would make a comment or complaint to any answer she'd give. She wasn't sure if this was sort of like a good cop, bad cop kind of deal, but if anything it was polite cop, annoying cop.

"I think Oliver and I both can agree on an answer." Oliver nodded stiffly, biting the last piece of his hot pocket. "You can stay here."

"WHAT?!" Oliver burst out, "That is definitely not my answer! You can't speak for both of us, asshole!" Chris chuckled at his friend.

"Oh, shut up. Look at it this way, no more hot-pockets, someone will cook for you." He smiled at Ellie, "Bring your stuff here tomorrow."

Chris walked off to what Ellie guessed was his room. Oliver glared at her, and she glared back. "There's a few ground rules we need to go over."


"Rule number one, there better not be any... Girl products lying around, got it?" Ellie tried to hold back a laugh, she nodded her head slowly. "Rule number two, no cock-blocks. If we bring a girl home, I don't want to hear any Michael Jackson blaring from your room."

"But I love-"

"I don't care," Oliver sighed, "these are the rules. Deal with it."


Apologies if it's boring, first chapters are sometimes... Boring. It'll get better later. Also, apologies for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

If you liked this, gimme a vote please? Votes make me really happy and really encourage me :D You can also comment or fan if you're really dedicated ;D


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