46; From Simon.

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Dear Ethan,

It's nearly Spring. The flowers are blooming, the sun is beginning to shine, and life is okay.

I love this time of the month for many reasons. It's so beautiful, everything is new and fresh.

But I guess this is where this ends.

I'm not saying I'm going to forget you all together. I'm not saying I don't love you anymore, I'm just saying that maybe it's time to let go of you.

I have to learn that there are going to be better days. There are going to be other people who make me happy, there is going to be a time I re-visit our old favourite places with somebody else, there's going to be sadness; but more happiness too. And honestly? I can't wait. I can't wait to get out and live again. Explore the world like I've always wanted to.

But before that, I have to say goodbye.

So when I go to bed tonight, when I turn my light off and tuck myself in, I'll think of the thousands of times I denied your touch and hate myself for ever letting you go.

But then I'll remind myself of the sleepless nights and those times where you denied my love. And I'll remember;
that sometimes, just sometimes, the ones who shine the brightest tend to burn out first.

- Si.

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