Chapter Two

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The very next day Linnise got up and checked her iPad. There was a text from Kendra. It said "What are you wearing on your date?" Linnise giggled because she totally saw that text coming. She looked up at her closet and right away saw her new blue dress that her Aunt Cassie bought. She flipped her covers up, put on her slippers and walked over and pulled out the dress. Then got her white tights and black flats. After she sent a snap for Kenny and went down stairs. There sat her Dad and older bother Chris. " It's alive, it's alive!" Chris yelled as Linnise walked down the stairs. "It's 7:30, I'm up early!" Chris laughed then said "So who's this boyfriend of yours!" Linnise face went num as she slowly looked and her Dad. Dave walked away like he heard no such thing. "DAD, I asked you not to tell him!" Linnise yelled. "Hey, no secrets in a" "Family" all three of them said together. Linnise then pushed her dad in the arm and walked over to the fridge. 

"Dad can I have pizza from last night" Linnise asked as she opened the fridge. "Go ahead lizard" Dave said as he sat down in his chair. "You never answered me" Chris said " He's a new kid, I'm just trying to be nice and we're not Dating!" Linnise told him "Ya not yet" "Shut up" Linnise then told Chris. She got 2 slices of pizza then went back upstairs to get dressed.

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