Chapter One

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Linnise and her Best Friend, Kendra were standing at their locker just after 2 period. When out of the blue Kendra's boyfriend, Zach ran up. Gave Kendra a hug and a cute head kiss. Then said "Hey Mr.Kidso said a new kid is coming on Friday! His name is Joseph and he's on Jake's hockey Team" A new kid  Linnsie thought. Then headed off to Mr.Kidso's science class. At the end of class Mr.Kidso called Linnise up to his desk "Linnise a new kid is coming on Friday I looked and saw you two have the same classes for all 4 periods. So on Friday can you please show him the ropes and just stay with him"? He asked nicely "Yes of course Mr.Kidso" then she walked back to her locker to get a snack before math. When she got back to her locker she saw the girl next to her (not Kendra) was cleaning out her locker. "Jessica, what are you doing"? She asked "Mrs. Strong said I had to clean out my locker because the new kid is getting it I'm getting a locker closer to my classes" she said happily " Oh, well I'm going to miss you"! Linnise said. Jessica giggled and continued cleaning. "What did Mr.Kidso want"? "He wants me to stay with the new kid, we have all the same classes" "Oh, really I heard he is pretty cute"! She said yell raising her eyebrows " Ya okay"

Linnise wanted a long 5 days. The day had come it was a chilly Friday morning. Linnise wore curls in her hair with her favourite shoes (Blue vans) and her uniform... On the Bus she was so nervous she was thinking about all the videos she watched that night on How to Make a Good first Impression. Then as the bus pulled in to the school drive way her heart was pounding. She got off the bus her palms were sweaty there was a small crowd of people around trying to get a good look at him. You say the girls in their little groups pointing and laughing. Then Kendra ran up to Linnise, "Linse he's over there and he's not as cute as I thought he would be" She said kind of disappointed "Oh that's nice" Linnise said.

So Linnise walked slowly to the group of people she could have passed out if her heart was pumping faster, then she saw Joseph for the first time and Oh My God! He had short brown hair with light blue eyes with super cute freckles and adorable dimples. He also had the whitest smile! She didn't know what to do with herself she went blank. "See I told you" Kendra wipsed into her ear. She looked at Kendra "What are you talking about he is so cute, He's not any prince charming but he's just my type" Linnise said "If you say so" "Linnise! Over here" Yelled Jake yelled. Joseph was standing with Jake and Zach. Oh my god I'm going to fall right on my face, flat on my face like right now she thought. She stumbled over "Hi I'm Joseph" he said as he admired Linnise. "Hi I'm Linnise" "So should we go in" Joseph said "Ya sheer" Joseph waved bye to Jake and Zach, picked up his back pack and headed inside the school with Linnise. "So have you had a tour"? Joseph nodded yes."So your locker is beside mine, 456. Want to go put your stuff down"? "That would be nice.So Linnise your school is pretty big. I moved in with my dad and I went to a super small high school before I moved. It didn't even have a gym" "Where did you live before here"? "I don't really want to talk about it" he said with a hint of attitude. "Oh, sorry for asking" Linnise said thinking why he didn't want to talk about it. "So this is your locker and this is mine" Linnise said. "Okay cool" Joseph said cheerfully. "We still have 10 minutes tell the bell what do you want to do"? "Well I could show you wear all of your classes are" Linnise said. Joseph closed his locker and then lend on it like they do in the movies. "So I know this my first day here and all I need to say I think you're cute". Joseph said Linnise chocked on her gum. Then locked her locker and turned her head then movied her bangs out of the way "Oh really"? Linnise said. Well I think your cute and I want to love you forever and ever she thought and really wanted to say. "Do you have an Instagram or snapchat, something like that?" Joseph asked. "Ya I have an Insta, snapchat and Facebook" She pulled out a piece of paper out of her binder and wrote them all down.

That night she was playing Minecarft on her iPad when she got a DM for Joseph via Instagram. Saying just a simple "Hi". This is how it went

Joseph: Hi

Linnise: Heyyy

Joseph: Sorry if it was awkward today when I told you I thought you are cute

Lizzise: Oh that's okay

Joseph: I just needed to saw it

Linnise: lol

Joseph: I probably sounded stupid

Linnise: No, It was kind of cute

Joseph: Do you think I'm cute?

Linnise: ...

Joseph: What?

Linnise: I'm scared you're going to make fun of me

Joseph: No just tell me
Lizzise: Well

Linnise: Yes

Joseph: Well on Saturday there's a fair, want to go with me?

Linnise: Like a date

Joseph: Ya I guess

Linnise: Ya

Joseph: Okay cool

Linnise: So see you tomorrow

Joseph: Meet me at the front of the gas station at 5:30

Linnise: Okay, sounds good!

Joseph: See you

Linnise: Bye

Linnise was jumping for joy! She was so happy. So she did what any Teenage girl would do... Screens shot the whole thing and send it to her best friend! Linnise and Kendra's conversion last a LONG time. around 12:00 Linnise's dad came up stairs to go to bed and saw Linnise's light on."Linnise  what you still doing up! Go to bed." Dave said "Okay sorry Dad, DAD"! Dave opened the door again "Yes honey" "Soooooo, The new kid Joseph asked if I could go to the Fair with him, I said yes" "What time"? Dave asked "Wait is this a Boy"? Dave interrupted "Well yes" "I remember giving the boy talk to your sister now she's engaged" Dave told Linnise. Then for the next five or ten minutes they talked about there day and well, boys

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