Chapter 4: A Message From Phoenix Drop

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It was one week after Aaron had taken me to the ruins. I had returned with Travis, Lucinda, Katelyn, and Aaron to investigate, but had found nothing but what appeared to be a collapsed library and more of the familiar yet mysterious statuettes.

"Aphmau. Wake up. You overslept again."

"Hmmmmm," I responded, burying her face in her pillow. I was still half asleep and I thought Laurance was Celeste, poking me awake with her paw again.

"Aphmau, this is important," Laurance insisted more urgently this time.

After hearing those words, I awoke in an instant, "What, is something wrong? Laurance, tell me!"

"We honestly don't know yet. Lord Levin has been waiting on the beach since dawn and we just found him. He says he has news. He says he has to tell you first."

"Oh no... that can't be good," I muttered as I stood up. "Take me to him." What could be wrong....

"Very well. Follow me."

As we emerged from the trees, I saw him with Malachi standing next to him. Ever since we arrived from the Irene dimension it still shocks me how much he looks like Garroth...Garroth... "No, I must put aside my feelings for now. Levin needs me." I shook my head in an attempt to rid thoughts of my faithful guard from my head. I can't help thinking about him though. I know it makes Laurance jealous, but Garroth has always been by my side, and I just abandoned him...

"Mom!" Levin and Malachi said in unison, snapping me from my thoughts.

"We have something to tell you." Malachi said urgently looking at everyone.

"What is it? Do you need help? Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

"We're fine, mom. We can't say the same for Meteli." Levin said.

"M-Meteli?" Laurance's eyes widened, "What happened???"

"Three days ago, we saw a huge increase in shadow souls. I know that at the meeting I said we only saw a slight increase, but four days ago... there must have been 50 outside our gates, at least. We managed to fight them off with only slight injury, but since Meteli also reported an increase at the meeting, I sent a messenger in our boat to visit Meteli and check their status. We have not heard word from Meteli, nor has our messenger... Alexis... come back..." he ran his hands through his hair, "We can't tell whether the souls will return in even greater number and we can't afford to lose another guard... can you visit Meteli and get to the bottom of this? I would go myself, but... we can barely afford to come and ask you as it is..." Levin put his head in his hands.

"'s not your fault, nor is it your responsibility. As lord, your first duty is to protect your village. Of course we will go to Meteli. After all, as lord of the Phoenix Alliance, it is my responsibility. You and Malachi must get back to Phoenix Drop. We will head to Meteli this afternoon."

"Th-thanks mom..." Levin sighed. "I just wish there was more I could do. You're right though, Malachi, let's head back."

I watched as her sons boarded their boat and sailed away. I truly care about them. I just couldn't bear the thought of something happening to them. "Be safe, children," I whispered after them.


I turned.

"Laurance? Are you okay?" Travis asked. You seem a little concerned.

"HOW COULD I NOT BE CONCERNED??" Laurance glared, a faint red aura beginning to emanate from his body. That was the sign of his changing, or at least I knew it couldn't be good.

"Woah... Laurance, c-calm down," Travis said, surprised.

The red aura began to fade. "It's just... Meteli... Cadenza.... What if something happened?

"Laurance. Don't worry, we'll spend the next 2 hours getting ready, then we'll sail straight to Meteli. We'll do all we can and we won't let anything happen, okay?" I reassured him.

"Okay... thank you, Aphmau," he smiled at me. "He has a nice smile..."

"Is it really a good idea for all of us to leave? I mean, you're going, I'm of course going, and everyone else probably is too. Shouldn't we have someone... I don't know... watch the island?" Katelyn asked.

"Good point... but this is important. Should we really leave someone behind?" I responded.

"I'll stay behind." Vylad said.

"Vylad... are you sure?'

"Positive." He nodded.

"Alright. Everyone, start preparing. We need to get to Meteli as soon as possible to make sure," I glanced at Laurance, "to make sure nothing's wrong."

Thank you so much for reading this part! Hope you enjoyed and let me know what you think of my story so far  (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧

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