Chapter 8: Travis's Kindness

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"Ugh... what happened... my head is throbbing..."

Then all at once the light hit my eyes. Everything was blurry, all I could see was a blinding light and a shadow at the corner of my vision.

"Lucinda? Are you awake?" I heard a voice, but it sounded odd, muffled and like it was spoken from very far away. I tried to open my mouth to reply but my throat was so dry it hurt just to move it.

"Shh, it's okay, here, drink this," I felt something hard and cold touch my lips and equally as cool but somewhat sticky liquid travel down my throat. It was such a relief to drink something after what felt like forever.

I sat on my bed, breathing for a few moments before everything came into focus. The blinding light I saw earlier ended up being the setting sun, and the shadow... the shadow was... Travis?

"T-Travis," I said. Oh Irene, this is embarrassing. My voice sounds terrible. I tried to sit up, but felt a searing pain in my shoulder.

"Lucinda, no! You need to rest." He looked at me with concerned eyes as he laid me back down. "You were badly injured."

I was slowly starting to recall the events of earlier. "How?"

"That's what we wanted to ask you. What's the last thing you remember?" I felt his hands close around mine. I thought about pulling away, but for some reason, I didn't.

"W-well, we found the villagers of Meteli in the cave. While we were talking to them though, I still felt a dark presence, which was odd since we destroyed the remaining shadow souls after you led them away. I turned and saw a shadow soul, but it wasn't moving it seemed...weak. I casted a quick spell to get rid of it, but somehow it reflected the spell and amplified its power." My throat was dry again from so much talking. As if Travis sensed it, he handed me the strange liquid again.

"What is this?" I asked smelling the bottle.

"It's a mix of healing herbs and water infused with healing magic. Apparently Meteli has a magic user that specializes with healing." He smiled. "Drink up!"

It wasn't actually half bad. A little on the bitter end, sure, but between my magic and the magic from this I'd be back to full strength before long.

"So... another question, how long have I been out? Feels like forever."

"Oh, a day or so. It's sunset now, right? So yeah, about a day. We're in New Meteli right now in one of Cadenza's spare rooms. You should get more rest though." He smiled again and squeezed my hand.

"Umm, Travis, why do you care?" Not that I was ungrateful, I just found it weird.

"Uh, b-because you're my f-friend and, um, I want to make sure y-you're alright and um... I should go because you need your rest." He let go of my hand and walked out, blushing. After a few moments I realized I was blushing too. Why though? It's not like I... but do I?

"Lucinda!" I looked up and saw Aphmau, smiling wide. "I'm so glad you're okay, I was so worried about you! Travis told me everything that happened, so you don't have to explain it again."

"Haha, hey, Aphmau, did you happen to see where Travis, um, went?" I bit my lower lip.

"No, wh- waaait, Lucinda? Do you have something to tell me?" She smiled wider.

"What? NO, I mean, no, I don't, um, why?" "Stupid" I thought to myself, why am I so obvious?

"Mmmm, no reason," she winked, "you should get your rest. I'll come and see you later." She waved.

"Bye, Aphmau... um, by the way, tell Travis thank you for the, um, herbal thing."

"Will do!"


Oh my Irene, Lucinda is terrible at hiding her feelings, I could barely stop myself from laughing back there. I couldn't help it, as soon as I walked through the doorway I started to giggle.

"Hey, Aphmau, what's so funny? Or are you just admiring my perfectness?"

"Oh *giggle* hi, Laurance, it's just..." I looked back into Lucinda's doorway and broke into a fresh round of giggles.

"Okay," he smiled, "what happened?"

"Well Lucinda was... Travis... she started blushing really hard and..." I just couldn't stop laughing, it wasn't really funny of course, but Lucinda trying to avoid her feelings was just so cute.

"Ooo-oooh, does Lucinda REALLY..." he said in a fake-girl voice.

"Laurance, shut up," I punched his arm playfully.

"H-hey guys, what's going on," Travis walked up holding a blanket that looked very warm.

"Oh, hehe, it's nothing- wait, why do you have that?" I asked.

"O-oh, well y-you see, it's getting dark and k-kind of cold and I just didn't want Lucinda to be...cold," he started blushing furiously. "Got to go, um, catch you later."

"Wow, a whole conversation with Travis where he didn't call you 'baby'. What's wrong with him?" Laurance shook his head.

Then I heard very quietly from the other room "thank you Travis, I was a little chilly...".

"He's probably just a little tired. He's right though, it's getting to be dark. I don't know about you, but I'm going to bed." I couldn't get to sleep for an hour though, because I couldn't stop smiling...

Thanks so much for reading this chapter! Yes I know that it's not Laurmau but you have nO IDEA HOW MANY SHIPS I HARBOR. (I don't know if that's me making a bad pun or something people actually say)

Ciao~ (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧

P.S. I won't be writing as often for the next week and a half because I just put in my two weeks notice to quit my job (I didn't like it and I didn't need one) and they're working my butt off until I can finally go (;¬_¬)

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