Chapter 18: Katelyn the Golden Heart

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"JEFFORY? HOW?? HOW???" Katelyn said, sobbing to his shoulder. "I.. I missed you..."

"Let me explain,' Irene said. "I have the power to heal, I'm sure you all know that. My powers do have limits, but I can heal people beyond the grave in certain circumstances. I healed Jeffory and Laurance both immediately after they had passed."

"Katelyn" Jeffory looked into her eyes. "When I was stabbed with that sword, the only thing I could think of was you. I realized that the only thing I've ever wanted... was you." He knelt on one knee. "Katelyn. I love you. I don't have a ring, I don't have a home, I don't have anything but... will you marry me?"

"Jeffory... yes... yes I will." She put her hand to her mouth, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Aphmau!!" Lucinda yelled. "Do you realize how long it's been?? We have to go back NOW!"

It was so much like Lucinda to ruin the moment, but she was right. It dawned on me just how long we had stayed. "Everybody! To the portal! Now! But also don't tell anyone about me being the daughter of Irene because I don't want them to worship me or anything ok? Ok, now GO!

"You got it, angel face." Travis winked.

"Goodbye Aphmau. I will see you again." Irene smiled.


And all at once, we jumped back through the portal.






"Garroth, he's back!"

"Laurance?!?!?!?!?! I thought you were dead!!!"

"Who is that guy?"

"HOW did you get back? You just jumped in!!"

Everyone was yelling at once, it was all very disorienting until finally Levin called for silence. The villagers of Phoenix Drop were staring at our group, some with excitement, and some with confusion.

"Mom, you just stepped into the portal, how did you get back out so fast? And with Garroth too." Malachi said.

I looked nervously into the group. "Well, you see, um, we went in there and found Garroth and, well, it turns out Laurance and an old friend named Jeffory were there too and well... wait..." Something someone told me a while back came to me.

"What is it?" Asked Levin.

"Something Chad told me a while ago, what was it...?"

"DID I HEAR MY NAME??" We heard a yell from the woods.



"Anyway, I think he told me that.. that Irene can control the flow of time in her dimension. If that's true, then that would explain how this happened.

All of the villagers began talking at once. "Quiet!" Levin said. "I'm sure Aphmau and her friends are very tired. In fact, it's getting late, let's all head back home." The villagers trailed back to Phoenix Drop, disappointment on their faces.

I noticed that Cadenza and Vincent were still near the portal, it looked like Cadenza had managed to rouse him. "Aphmau... did it work?" Vincent said, looking dizzy as he stood.

"Yes, Vincent, I can't thank you enough."

"Vincent, no more talking. We're getting you back to Meteli. Goodbye, Aphmau!" Cadenza smiled back at me as she walked away.

"Hey, no one told me I was dead!" I heard from the woods. Turns out the sound was Laurance, looks like he found his gravestone.

"Haha, yeah... But for the record I knew you weren't dead, Laurance!" I laughed.

2 days Later...


It's been months, months, since I last saw her (at least, to her) and she won't tell me where we're going?? "Aphmau, come on just tell me!" I said.

"Nope, you have to see for yourself!" she laughed.

"Hmmmpph, fine." I growled jokingly.

"Don't worry, Garroth, you'll love it." Laurance laughed and punched my shoulder, unbalancing me. "Woah, don't fall over," he laughed again.

"I wouldn't if Aphmau would take this blindfold off." I couldn't help but laugh too.

"If you say so." I felt her hands untie it, and what I saw was... a party? "It's a party! For you!" It was in the Phoenix Drop marketplace and everyone I knew was there. Even people from Meteli and Scaleswind.

"Aphmau, Laurance I... I don't know what to say..."

"Don't say anything!" Laurance laughed. "Just dance!" He pushed me into the dance area, into a girl with long, red and orange hair. Wasn't she Laurance's little sister? Cadenza was her name.

"Oh hi, Garroth, right?" she smiled. "Care to dance?"


GUYS I'M SORRY I HAVE SOOO MANY SHIPS. Hope you enjoyed it, second to last chapter here!



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