Chapter 6: Reign Of Shadows

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"How dare they" I fumed, looking over the crest of the hill down to the shadow souls. "How dare they take her from me."

We arrived at the village a while back. It was in the same state as the last time we saw it, only hundreds of shadow souls filled every corner, in some spots the ground wasn't even visible. Voices are coming from the inside of the cave with the Nether portal, that's probably where they took the people of Meteli and Cadenza. I can feel myself getting angrier and the edge of my vision is tinted red. But I can't afford to change into my shadow knight form. The last time that happened.... Oh my Irene, I don't even want to think about it.

"Well, what's the plan," Katelyn asked, tilting her head.

"W-why are you asking me?? I have no idea," I said nervously. I could hear the fear in my voice and I was ashamed of it.

"Laurance, it's okay to be afraid, I hope you know that," Aphmau smiled at me, staring at me with her beautiful brown eyes. "We'll figure this ou- CADENZA?!?!" her eyes widened in shock

"SHHHH, Aphmau, quiet down," Cadenza said in a sharp whisper.

I turned around and there she was, my... sister. Cadenza. "C-Cadenza... thank Irene you're okay, what happened?!?!?!?!" I whispered, barely refraining from yelling.

"Two days ago, our village fell under attack from these... shadow souls." She looked down the ridge in disgust, "I knew they were after me. I tried to evacuate the village but...but..." she began to cry.


"CADENZA?!?!" Aphmau yelled. "Aphmau, what are you doing, they're right down there," I thought to myself exasperatedly.

I was hoping they would come. Ever since the shadow souls attacked two days ago, the villagers have been trapped in that cave. I wanted to save them, but there was only one of me, and I am not strong enough to take on that many shadow souls.

"SHHHH, Aphmau, quiet down," I said, starting to panic. I noticed one of the souls glance up the ridge, but thankfully, passed the noise off as an animal and moved on.

"C-Cadenza... thank Irene you're okay, what happened?!?!?!?!" he said in a low whisper. I shifted my gaze a couple feet over from Aphmau and saw Laurance, my brother. I don't think he knows how much I worry for him. Especially with his emotional instability... I just honestly wish Aphmau would give him a chance. He more than deserves her. "That's not important right now," I chided myself.

I had to tell them. It's not like I could keep my cowardice from them any longer. "Two days ago, our village fell under attack from these... shadow souls," I quickly glanced down the ridge at them, the disgusting creatures. "I knew they were after me. I tried to evacuate the village but...but..." and finally, I couldn't hold the tears in any longer. I was so embarrassed to cry in front of them. Aren't lords supposed to be brave?

"Cadenza, everything's okay. I'm here for you. We're here for you." Laurance smiled and hugged me. "Now, tell us the rest of the story. I'm sure we can come up with a plan to rescue your village."

I couldn't have asked for a better brother, he always knew what to say to make me feel better. I took a deep breath then, "but there were too many. I had to get away. I knew if they caught me, more lives would be put in danger. All this time I've been trying to think of a way to free them, but I'm just not strong enough..."


"That's what we're here for, Cadenza," I said reassuringly. Now if only we could think of a plan, I thought to myself. I can't control my power, and Laurance's shadow knight form is out of the question. Irene knows what would happen...

"I think I have an idea," Travis grinned, "but you're not going to like it!"

Thanks so much for reading this part. I hope you enjoyed the change in point of view, just testing it to see how I like it (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧

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