Chapter 7: Demon's Plot

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"Travis, this is a terrible idea!" I exclaimed. And it was, not even I, Lucinda, would do something so rash.

"Don't worry honey, darkness likes darkness, right? Just work on putting up those barrier magics for Cadenza." he shot me a cocky grin. Uugghh, why did he have to look so adorable when he did that?

"Travis, don't get too cocky. Lucinda's right. We'll probably barely pull this off as it is, we have no room for someone to mess up and..." Aphmau clamped her mouth tight shut.

Travis immediately put on a more serious face. "You're right Aphmau. Okay, here's the full plan. I will circle around this ridge to the left side of the group of shadow souls where I will transform to a demon form of my choice. Katelyn will follow behind me, but she will be hidden. Never know when you need backup. Aphmau, you and Cadenza will then go down, fight off any remaining shadow souls, then get the villagers to safety. Do you understand?"

"Hey, what about me?" Laurance asked indignantly.

"Weeell, see, Laurance... we can't really afford you turning....." Laurance began to protest, "YES. I know that you have gained more control since the last time, but Aphmau told me what happened and we just can't risk it. You will stay behind and protect Cadenza. Lucinda's magics are powerful, but we have no idea how many of these things it can hold off." Laurance's mouth was still open, about to argue, but he eventually closed it and nodded. I have no idea how he's feeling right now, but I feel bad for him, honestly.

"Now everyone is clear on the plan? Let's move."


I stared longingly after Aphmau and Lucinda as they raced down the hill. It just wasn't fair, why did they get to go. "You know why, don't be stupid," I thought to myself. Travis was right, it was just too dangerous and I couldn't bear to put Aphmau in any danger.

"Laurance, are you feeling all right," Cadenza walked up to me. She probably noticed the disappointment on my face, I couldn't exactly hide it.

"I should be the one saying that to you," I replied.

She hesitated. "Laurance, I know you love Aphmau, but you don't have to be the hero all the time. Forgive me for saying, but you couldn't have done better.... Travis's plan worked perfectly, and Aphmau and Lucinda are already in the cave." Looking down the hill I saw she was right, the edge of Lucinda's witch robes whipped out of sight the second I spotted them.

I sighed, "I know it's just that... she loves Garroth, and I understand that, but she won't give me a chance until he comes back. I know I agreed, but it just hurts so much, I just thought maybe if I could impress her... maybe I could-"

"Laurance. You should know that the best things come with time. Just be patient, okay?" she smiled sweetly.

I grinned back, "You're right, Cadenza. Thank you." I looked back down the hill and saw three or four villagers already out of the cave and heading up the hill with more on the way. Even though they were free, they still looked panicked for some reason. "natural, they've been through a lo-"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH" a piercing shriek resounded across the village.

"T-that scream," Cadenza's eyes widened. "I-it sounded like it was coming from the c-cave..."

I felt like I had been punched in the gut. I promised Aphmau I wouldn't let anything happened to her, but I was forced to stay back and.... "A-Aphmau," I managed to choke out.

"That's not Aphmau's voice," Lucinda turned her now huge eyes to me. "It sounded like... Lucinda."


Travis's plan had worked perfectly. We saw him running just before we headed down the ridge ourselves with nearly all of the shadow souls following him. I looked back at Laurance and gave him a thumbs-up, but I don't think he saw me.

"Aphmau, stop staring," Lucinda hissed, "we still have a few shadow souls lurking. Now please, make yourself useful and help me take care of them."

"R-right," I said, snapping back to reality. The shadow souls Lucinda had mentioned were very few though, maybe 5, 6, if that. It took us only a minute to eliminate them, then begin heading to the cave. As we neared, we began to hear breathing, whispers, and the crying of a baby that was abruptly cut off.

"Follow me," Lucinda motioned with her hand. We crouched down, keeping our footstep noises to a minimum as we entered the cave and rounded the corner. To our surprise, no shadow souls were present in the cave, but there were the villagers. Dirty, hungry and tired, they stared at us, some in fear, some in shock, some with joy.

"Ma'am... are you here to rescue us?" a little boy asked.

I smiled "yes, we are. All of you, we need to get out. Now. We don't know how long we can keep the shadow souls away." But my statements were met with blank stares and some of the villagers staring into the corner, though some were sprinting from the cave. I turned and saw a shadow soul, just standing (floating?) there. A bolt of fear shot through me before I realized that it wouldn't be too much trouble. I had my diamond sword on me. But before I could even finish drawing it, there was a bright flash of light and a scream.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH" before I knew it, Lucinda was lying on the ground, with robes burnt black around her chest area.

Without even thinking in my blind rage, I stabbed the shadow soul, I had never been so happy to see one dissipate. I heard the footsteps of the panicked villagers behind me and someone yelling.

Lucinda was on her back, unconscious. "L-lucinda?" I turned and saw Travis, in his human form, standing at the cave entrance looking horrified. "LUCINDA!!!!" he dived toward her and effortlessly picked her up. "APHMAU WHAT... no, that's not important, we need to get her to a doctor or healer or something NOW." And with that he ran after the villagers, an unconscious Lucinda in his arms.

I had never seen Travis lose his cool like that. "I wonder if he likes her?" I mused, looking after him. What am I saying? He's a loyal friend and would do the same for any of us. Travis is right, what we need right now is a doctor. I checked to make sure no villagers remained, then ran after him.

Thank you so, so much for reading this part! And I'm sorry it's so long, there was just so much to say. Ciao~ (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧

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