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I looked into the mirror. I was wearing jean pants, brown combat boots, and some type of green jacket over a gray tank top. I had also been given black, fingerless gloves that I quickly stuffed into my pockets just in case I needed them later. Right now, though, my palms were too sweaty from nerves to have gloves over them. I was pulling my hair back when I saw a blonde head of hair bend down over a trash can. I wrinkled my nose as the smell of vomit hit me. Trying to distract myself from the smell, I placed my necklace over my head and was about to turn around to leave when I froze.

"Here." I quickly turned around and held Melissa's hair out of her face as she threw up. She was more nervous than I was, that was for sure. I was the one who had gotten her into this mess; not counting the fact that she was the one who was being super competitive. "Are you sure you want to do this? You can just back--"

"And leave you and Luca to go off alone and make out in a cave? Yeah, right." She stood up and pushed past me to scoop water from the sink faucet into her mouth. She swished the water around in her mouth adn spit it back out.

"Melissa, when will you realize that I don't like Luca. Not like that, at least. You should get that straight before you go out there and technically maybe get yourself killed just so we'll stay apart from one another." I rolled my eyes as she hovered over the sink, water running from the faucet and back down the drain.

"He likes you, though. How did you get him to like you?" She looked up and into the mirror, her pink eyes staring straight back at her perfect reflection. I crossed my arms awkwardly. Fratenizing with someone I could have sworn I hated only moments ago. Now, I saw that she wasn't horrible, just... desperate. Honestly, I'm not sure which was worse.

"I didn't really aim for him to like me. He just kind of liked me. I mean, even if I did like him then I still wouldn't be dating him. I didn't exactly start the school year off very well. I mean, I'm he basically played me, told me I'm a witch, was the reason I had to leave my family, and come to a place meant to only exist in books, and then I find out I'm royalty or whatever. It's a lot to take in at once. I'm over most of it but it helped me realize that I didn't like Luca," I shrugged and blushed at the memory of Luca and I dancing. I liked him, just not as much as I wish I could have.

"Oh," Was all Melissa said at that.


We sat there awkwardly for a minute or two. Finally, one of us spoke up. And I wasn't expecting the next couple words to come out of her mouth. "Do you have any advice? For... Luca, I mean? Or even just boys in general. Guys think I'm pretty intimidating but they seem to like you." She turned around and sat precariously on the edge of the sink.

"Um, well then you should stop bossing people around." I wasn't going to sugar coat it for her. If it meant she would get off my back, I was willing. "And at least act a little shy or helpless once in a while. Guys like it when they think that they have some control or even just feel like they are better suited for a bunch of stuff. So... stop putting yourself ahead or above everyone else. It would make you way more approachable." I winced and slowly nodded. "Stop trying for attention. No one likes an attention hog."

"I'm not an attention hog!"

"Yes, you are. And, I bet that if you took off half of your make up you would still look pretty and boys would actually think you were in their league. Don't act like some stereotypical blonde and actually speak up when you have something smart to say," She looked annoyed, but she wasn't really contradicting anything that was coming out of my mouth.

We quickly cloned ourselves before Rain and Rune came down to guard my real-life body that would also be under several more protection spells. Oh, the safety I feel for being a princess.

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