You Look Offensive

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It was dark and cold when he leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Just give me a call when you want to find out..." He smirked. "Princess." I tried to say something but was rushed away by a gust of cold wind.

I found myself dancing across the floor with a partner. He moved with grace. I tried to look up and see who it was but then I was spun away in the dance and instead of going back into his arms I found myself in a room.

He leaned in. It was dark and we were alone. Closer. We were an inch away from one another. He smirked. "Princess." The word echoed in my mind....

"Vanessa!" It was Clari. I bolted upright in my bed, sweat slightly covering my forehead. "Vanessa? Are you feeling okay?" Clari was hovering above me while I wiped my face and rubbed my eyes.

"I'm fine. I need to talk to Professor Marda before I go anywhere, though." I threw off the covers of my bed and glanced at the rising sun through my wall. "Nobody can see me from the other side right?" I rose an eyebrow at Clari. Clari shook her head in confirmation.

Yet again, I had to wear the blue dress. This time, though, Clari had brought me a pair of white flats she thought would set the outfit apart from everyone else's. Apparently, the girls here had a thing for black flats. I didn't mock them, though, because human girls wore leggings as pants. Clari said I had to wear my necklace so I had to put that on, too. Ugh, it's just a stupid necklace.

"Do you want me to do your hair? I can pull it up so if it gets really hot your neck won't be drowning in sweat." Clari asked me politely.

I instantly jumped to stop her. "No. I'm fine. Thanks for the offer though." I pulled my hair back into a short low ponytail and checked twice to make sure my hair hid the mark at the bottom of my neck. My hair only reached past my shoulders by an inch, so my styling options were limited.

When I was satisfied with myself, I waved to Clari. "Okay. I'm all ready." Together we made our way down the stairs to Professor Marda's office. It seemed like too short of a walk. So when we got there I had to blink twice to make sure I was seeing right.

Just as I did, someone else walked out of the office doors. He was tall and pale. He had dark hair and purple eyes. The man was slightly aged and was wearing a purple business suit. "Good day." the man tipped his hat to me, smiled, and then walked off down the hall.

I pushed open the doors and met Luca at the door. "Hey." Was all he said. Then he looked down to my necklace and his eyes were unreadable.

"Hi." I moved over for him and studied how he looked. "Are you okay?" Luca was pale and tired looking.

"I''m fine... just tired. Sort of." He shrugged. I was getting ready to say something else when he finally walked past me.

"Good morning, Vanessa," Professor Marda sighed. "Sorry about Luca. Lately when I read his necklace he tries to fight back. It takes a lot of energy out of him. He doesn't enjoy the fact that I know how he feels about most things." Professor smiled at me after he finished writing something down on a piece of paper. "Anything?"

"Yeah." I explained my entire dream to him and he took a minute to reply.

"So you don't know who this boy was?" Professor Marda leaned back into his chair.

"I didn't get get a good look at him. But, he called me Princess. It was Jem. I think. I'm not entirely sure." I played with the bottom of my shirt.

"Jem. Scared you out of your wits, didn't he?" he smirked. "So are you going to talk to him?" he inquired.

I was taken back by the question. "I doubt that he will really tell me. I think he's just taunting me..." I shrugged. "Anyways, I better get going. Good bye, Professor." I walked out of the room and in a daze walked toward the Dining Hall.

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