Chapter 5 Promises made

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I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door I quickly got out of bed and walked to my front door but you can't believe who I found at the door "Travis..." She said with pain in her eyes "I'm here for you, I promise." I said and wrapped my arms around her as she sobbed on my shoulder. "Katylen you can't go to school like this." I said and rubbed her back with my arms still around her "yes I c-can." She said I sighed "Here." I say and gave her my number "Travis I have a boyfri- I cut her off "I know but this is so when I am done getting ready I'll text you and ill come over to your house to comfort you until school starts." I said she smiled and nodded "Then it's a plan!" I said and walked to my room as Katylen left closing the door behind her. I quickly ran to the restroom and turned on the shower I walked out of the restroom letting the room be filled of hot steam again I walked to my closet and picked out a black sweater, grey shirt,black jeans, black vans and a grey beanie. I walked back to the restroom and hopped in the shower when I was done showering I quickly put my clothes and grabbed my bag I got my phone that was on top of the table and I saw that Katylen texted me 4 minutes ago I texted back
  *Start of text*
  Me: be right there! :)
  Katylen: k :|
  *end of text*
I put my phone in my jean pocket and walked to Katylens house when I arrived I sighed and knocked on her door. She opened the door in the same clothes still "Why haven't you changed?" I asked "because N-N-Nicole would help me pick out the clothes for me." She said she's not going to ma- "Can you help me?" She asked I blushed and looked at the ground "S-S-S-Sure." I said she grabbed my hand and took me to her room. Her room was big she had a wooden closet and a queen sized bed her walls were black and red and the lights were at the top corners of her walls "you have a nice room." I said and looked at her "thanks!" She said and opened the closet,her closet was full of t shirts and shorts along with a pretty black dress "ummm here let me see." I said and walked towards her closet I saw a black t shirt and a white sweater so I picked that along with some blue shorts. I handed them to her and she smiled "Thanks!" She said and walked to her restroom I sat on her bed and waited patiently until a few minutes later "Done." She said with a smile on her face she looked so amazing I completely stopped and just admired her "Travis?" She said which caused me to break out of my trance "Y-Y-Yes?"I said trying to forget that she caught me staring at her. "Let's go." She said and grabbed her backpack we walked out of her house and walked to school together we were talking and laughing well that's until Nick came and grabbed the collar of my shirt pushed me into a tree "NICK!" She yelled and rushed over to him he looked back at her confused "Stop let him go." She said he let go of me and walked towards her. "Don't tell me your falling for this guy!" He yelled and pointed at me "I'm not!" She said which caused my heart to break but not enough to show it "then why were you talking to him?!" He asked loudly making everyone around stare at them "Because I can!" She yelled back and pushed Nick but not to strong to make Nick fall. "If you ever talk to him I'll hurt everyone of your friends!" Nick said and walked away I saw Katylen with tears in her eyes I walked towards her but she nodded no and backed away from me "Katylen...."  I Said "Just leave me alone Travis!" She yelled and ran to school leaving me there alone and broken. I breathed heavily and walked to school with My head down the whole time until I bumped into Paulina. "Hey!" She said "Hey." I said and walked away  when I got to the front of the school everyone was already getting in the school so I decided to go in too I went to my locker and saw Katylen all it did was hurt me so I looked away I quickly grabbed my things is needed in my locker and went to home room. As I was walking there I heard a lot of people talk about what happened to me and Katylen along with Nick I walked in class and Nick wasn't there yet "good." I whisper to myself and sat in his seat but Zach wasn't here "He's never late." I whisper to myself concerned "Hey! Grandpa!" Nick said with his arms crossed I ignored him and just got my books out of my backpack "Look guys he can't hear me!" Nick said laughing along with the class "I think that's enough!" Someone said who was at the door. Nick turned around and saw Zach "Fine weirdo!" Nick said and sat next to Paulina she ignored him as he was talking to her after class I put my book back in my backpack and I left with Zach I went to my next class which was science when I walked in I saw Katylen. I sat in my seat and looked at Katylen the whole time "Stop." She whispered "no." I said "Stop. It!" She whisper louder but not to loud "No." I said and put my hand on hers "TRAVIS STOP IT!" She yelled making the whole class look at us "Wha- she cut me off by punching me in the arm I fell on the floor and the whole class gasped but the teacher just smirked and continued with her lesson. I got up and sat next to Katylen again but She gave me a death stare then continued paying attention in class as I stood there with my arm in pain after class I tried talking to Katylen but all she would do was ignore me and it was a terrible feeling. I walked out and I found Zach I went up to him and told him what happened in class "OHHHHH" he said like he felt bad for me but he didn't because he was laughing the whole time "Ha ha how funny." I said and walked with him to the cafeteria after we got our tray of food we walked over to Laurence table and we sat down. "I heard that Katylen hit you?" Asked Dante "yeah..." I said and took a bite of my sandwich "That's got to hurt." Garroth added "Well it wasn't that bad." I said "Really because she sent a guy to the hospital just with one punch." Laurence said my eyes widened and then went back to normal when I saw Katylen "you like her don't you?" Dante asked "Ummmm i.......i do" I said "Awwwwww." Garroth Dante and Laurence said "shut up!" I said and laughed. After lunch I went to my next class which was math there was a seat at the back of the class so I took that one I saw Katylen Come in so i quickly looked the other way when we were doing our own work I got up and walked over to Katylen's seat and took her pencil away "Hey!" She yelled "Talk to me." I said she Ignored me until I heard a picture get taken I turned around and clenched my fists to the girl who took it "Delete. It." I said strictly "Y-Y-Yes s-s-sir." She said and delete the photo then I turned around back to Katylen. "You haven't talk to me almost the whole day!" I said "what do you want me to do? Huh? Sweet talk you until you feel like someone likes you?! I'm pretty sure that a girl would droll over you but let ME tell YOU somthing....that girl is NOT me." She yelled I felt broken and empty I looked at her with pain in my eyes she sighed and looked the other way "Right." I said softly and walked back to my seat. When I sat down I put my hood and played with my pencil the whole class I'm going to admit I let a few tears roll down my face but not to much for people to notice other than a girl with orange hair she kept looking at me and saying "it's okay." But honestly I did NOT feel okay, after class I was the first one to leave I went to my locker and grabbed the books I needed for the rest of my other three classes after all the classes were over I went to my locker grabbed all my books to study and walked home. As I was walking home my phone got a text message it was from Katylen.......
  *start of text*
Katylen: hey, I'm sorry for what I said in class just know I didn't mean it, please forgive me. If you do come to my house if you don't.....don't come to my house.
  *end of text*
I couldn't go I was to heart broken so I just walked home when I was inside I threw my backpack on the couch and ran to my room. I laid in bed knowing that I couldn't see someone I cared for.......
  To be continued........

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