Chapter 7 "Your my bestfriend."

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing it was Katylen
~Start of call~
Me: hey.
Katylen: hey can you help me again?
Me: sure.what's up?
Katylen: clothes.
Me: umm sure be right there.
~end of call~
I quickly put on a grey sweater black shirt and some red vans I grabbed my backpack and phone and walked to Katylens place. I knocked on the door and she grabbed my hand and pulled me inside "what's up." I said "please help me." She said "Why are you so worried about the clothes?" I asked she took me to her room and opened her closet "Today is the day were girls ask the guys to the prom."she said my heart stopped by I had to ask "Who are you planning to ask?" I asked "Zach.." She said and blushed "oh." I said I was broken the girl I love asking my bestfriend to prom " so will you help?" She asked "yeah,umm." I said and looked in her closet for somthing nice I found a a red t shirt that said swag on it and black leggings with red vans and a black leather jacket. "Thank you." She said and grabbed thre shirt "You never told me that you liked Zach if you told me we could've planned this ah- I was cut off by Katylen taking off her shirt infront of me only left with her bra I quickly turned around "Ummm." I said awkwardly "oh sorry I forgot your a guy." She laughed akwardly and tapped on my shoulder I turned around and she was already done changing. "How do I look?" She asked nervously "Amazing." I said and smiled "well then let's go" she said grabbed my hand and we walked to school we found Zach talking with Laurence Garroth and Dante "you can do this." I said and put a fake smile on my face she nodded okay and walked towards Zach I saw them talk for a while until Zach hugged Katylen my heart was broken so I walked away "Travis." Katylen said exited "How did it go?" I asked putting a fake smile on my face again "He said yes!" She squealed I hugged her "I'm so happy for you." I said and the thought of her having my bestfriend as her prom date bothered me so much but at least it was better than Her asking Nick. After my 3 classes were over we had lunch Katylen was talking to her friends and Zach so I was left alone in the lunch line that's until Laurence Garroth and Dante helped me from being alone. "Is it awkward?" Garroth asked "What's awkward?" I asked "Having your bestfriend have your crush as there prom date." Laurence said "yeah." Dante added "I ummmm.....let's not talk about it." I said grabbed my tray of food and sat at a table with no one in it. I moved my tray forwards and put my head down until I felt someone tap my shoulder I turned around and saw Paulina standing there with her wavy on her shoulders "Can I join you?" She asked "Sure." I said and smiled at her "so what's with you not taking to Katylen?" She asked "Well....she is asking my bestfriend to prom..." I said sadly "I'm so sorry." She said and put her hand on my back rubbing it "It's fine. I'm okay." I said and took her hand off my back after lunch I had three more classes when I left the third class And went straight to my locker. I put all my books inside the locker and then got ready to go but before I could I felt someone wrap there arms around me "Travis,thank you." Katylen said "for what?" I asked "For helping me ask Zach to prom." She said "Katylen I have to go..." I said "wh- I cut her off by leaving I ran home and went inside I dropped my backpack on the floor and ran upstairs. I sat at my desk and put my head down until my phone rung I picked it up and it said that Zach was calling me I quickly ended it and put my phone down. I closed my eyes and got another flashback
  ~Start of flashback~
Amy: hey Travis!
Me: Amy, hey!
Amy: do you want to walk around the Field jut you and me when we go outside?
  Me: *blushes* s- s-sure!
  Class: Travis has a crush on Amy!
  Amy: you do?
  Me: i do, wait no I don't I ju-
  Amy: I think we should stop seeing each other Travis.
  Me:  W-What Wh-
  Amy: I don't think we should be friends anymore.
  Me: O-O-Okay. *puts head down and sighs*
  ~end of flashback~
I quickly put my head up and called Katylen she had to know the way I feel before it's too late.
~start of call~
Me: hey Katylen....
Katylen: hey, why did you ru-
Me: I'm coming over to your place I need to tell you something....
Katylen: okay then...
~end of call~
I walked out of my room and went to the front door I noticed that it was scratched "dammit i have to repaint it." I whispered and got out of the house I started walking to Katylens place until I saw Zach. "Hey, Travis." He said and smiled all I did was ignore him and continue walking to Katylens place,when I arrived I knocked on Katylens door. She opened it and I went in and sat on her couch "Travis?" She asked and sat next to me I grabbed her hands as she looked confused "Katylen you are my bestfriend but when I saw you ask Zach to prom I felt heart broken. I know I am saying this at the wrong time but if I told you any later it would've been worse so I will tell you here and now....Katylen I like you a lot and I respect that you will not return those feelings back but I had a feeling that you should know before it was to late" I said she didn't respond all she did was look at me shocked "I think we should have some time to ourselves." She said "Katylen..." I said "please Travis it's just a lot to take in...." She said I looked at the floor as my eyes were forming tears "right." I said and left her place I started walking faster to my place. When I went inside I had a rage in me "Why? Why me?" I said as tears streamed down my face I fell on my knees as I was heart broken.....She left me.....
To be continued......

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