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Dedicated to Missbabydoll424

Cameron: Meka hurry up!!! We're gonna be late to your parents!!

You: On my Birthday? Really?

Cameron: Let's goooooooooo.

Cameron was sooo excited to go to your parents house for your birthday. Why? You had no idea.

You: Alrighttty lets go geez.
You both walk in and its dark

You: What the fu-


You: You did this...For me Cam?

Cameron: Yeah of course. I would do anything for my baby girl!
After hours of partying and eating sweets You and Cameron were hanging out on the couch when you got a call. It was your twin sister. You got into deep conversation when she asked you to FaceTime.

You: Cam,come meet my sister.

Cameron: Okay, how come I've never met her?

You: She lives on the other side of the world!

You answer the call to see your sister...And Cameron looking as puzzled as ever!

Cameron: Babe you're taking a picture...

You: No, I'm not Cam! Haha whaaat are you seeing?

Cameron: REALLY??SHE looks just like you!!

You: She's my twin.

His mouth drops in an "O" before curling into a smile.

Cameron: Two Meka's? Ha, the more the merrier!
°He says while licking his lips. Then winks°

You: Ewuh, no Cam. Don't even think about it!

Cameron: C'mon. It'll be like having a copy of you! One can be riding and the other one can suck-

You: I DON'T need to hear the rest. Omfg your gross

Cameron: Kinkaayy!

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