Chapter 2 (Niall and harry)

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Niall pov

Everyone has been smiles and Joy since i laughed and smiled earlier today.

I get that they care, and that this is a "breakthrough" for me.

But it is all quite annoying.

They don't understand what has happened, even though they claimed to know what is up with me.

They say it's 'Grief.' They act like she is dead but she is not! Am i bot aloud to be angry and upset?!?!

Seriously, It isn't grief because i haven't lost her and i never will.

She is only going to be this way for a little bit longer. I just know it.

"NIALL!!" Harry yelled.

"What?" I asked blankly. He sighed. "You weren't paying attention, where you?" He said.

I shook my head no and he groaned. "We are going to Visit Macy, you coming?" He asked.

I shot up, out of my seat.

"Yeah." I said.

Aria ran up to me and grabbed my hand. She looked up at me and smiled real big. I bent down and kissed her cheek. I picked her up a her legs wrapped around my side.

"Can i come?" She asked. I looked over at Jess. Her face got pale. Aria hasn't seen Macy yet. I think jess is worried she will get scared, but i think she deserves to know more than 'Macy is sick.'

Harry rested his arm on Jess' Shoulder. She instantly relaxed at his touch. He said somthing and she nodded. She looked at me, Mixed emotions in her eyes, and nodded slightly.

"Of course you can." I said. She squealed.

"Did you here that Louis?!??! I get to go with Niall!" She said happily.

Louis huffed and Zayn laughed histaricly. "Looks like she has a new favourite, mate." He said, resting his hand on lou's shoulder.

"Excuse me, I'm her favourite." Harry said, 'A matter of factly.'

"Well duh, you are uncle Harry, But besides you." Zayn said. Louis stormed off in front of us.

"Let's just go!" He said, in an annoyed tone.

Liam, Zayn, and Jess laughed like there was no tomorrow. Harry, Aria, and i stayed quiet.


When we got to the hospital. Jess was preparing Aria. Telling her Macy is asleep and can't wake up till later.

It bugs she is lying but it is for aria' good. Aria hasn't seen Macy and she is excited to except she isn't fully aware of the situation.

We follow the doctor to Macy's room. Jess lets me go first before everyone else because she knows i get emotional.

I open the door to the room and close it behind me. i take inner face. It is so lifeless, and so peacefull, unlike her usual bright expressions. When she was awake she would give me a warmth and she had a glow. But all i feel is cold around her when she is like this.

Don't get me wrong i love her as much as ever. It is hard to see her like this. It is almost like she is laying here, dead.

But she isn't and she wont be. Maybe in 90 years but not now, not soon.

I kneel beside her and take her hand in mine. I kiss it and smile at her. She started a new treatment yesterday and the doctors said she might be able to hear now, maybe respond my actions like small finger movements later on in the treatment, but she can most likely hear.

"Hi love." I say quietly. "Maria says hi. Jess is trying to get her to be transferred here in London so that she can visit you." I say.

I chuckle softly. "I guess you were right about having her in the facility in London." I say.

Macy left Our summer tour when she found out Maria had checked herself into a mental health rehab for teens facility in Ireland whilst visiting a friend there.

She wanted to move Maria to one in London because that is where we live, but Maria wanted to stay there because she had made friends and had a boyfriend there. He was a nice kid and her friends there were normal, they just needed help getting over there pasts and problems like cutting or suicidal thoughts like Maria.

I convinced Macy to let Maria stay, but now i wish i hadn't.

"Everyone is here, El is on her way, but even Aria is here to see you. She doesn't know exactly what has happened, but she wanted to see you. She was being adorable today, she said she wanted to spend the day with me. She made me laugh for the first time since........"

I trailed off, a lump was forming in my throat. i swallowed and spoke again.

"Well I'm trying hard to do better and not be down because everyone is worried and notices, but its hard because...." I couldn't speak anymore and tears ran down my face.

After a while of bawling my eyes out i spoke, the tears continuing to fall.

"I am so sorry, this shouldn't have happened. I love you, Why did this happen?" I say.

I kiss her cheek and i smile.

"You will wake up soon. Everyone wants to see you so ill let them in whilst i go rinse my face in the washroom. I love you. Ill see you soon and soon enough you will see me too." I say quietly. The last part is barely a whisper but i walk out of the room.

"You can go in." I say, as i pass by everyone. I make my way to the Men's room but end up crying against the wall.

It is just too much.


Harry pov

We have been in the room with Macy for a while. Soon Aria fell asleep because it was her naptime, So Jess and her headed back to their apartment.

Nialler is still in the washroom so Zayn went to go to check on him so It is only Louis, Liam, El and i with Macy.

"Want ice cream?" Louis asks Eleanor. She nods and takes his hand. They leave the room to go to the Cafeteria.

Liam clears his throat.

"Niall will be back soon along with the doctors. You have to continue your treatment soon." He says to her.

I look at him and he is frowning. It is pretty sad to see her like this. She was almost like a sister to all of us, definitely our friend. It is such a tradigity that she is stuck this way.

"Harry." Liam says. I look up to see him looking at me worridly.

"Mhm" i mumble.

"Do you think she will wake up soon?" He asks. I can tell he wants an honest answer. Not what we want to happen but what we actually think will happen.

"I....It is hard to tell, not even doctors know. We can only hope she wakes up soon with full memory." I said.

He nods and we look back to Macy. The door opens and it is the doctor.

"Something has happened."

Xx Cliffhanger!!!!!! I will update again tomorrow for this and heartbreak girl. another update will be posted later on tonight for Heartbreak girl since i have missed several days for updating.

I will be udpating regularly everyday now so yey for regular updates!! Also i will be posting sneak peeks for chapters on my tumblr which is leslogr and yeah!!

So you can comment, please vote! and check out my other books!!

email me anything like questions, comments, we can talk about anything you want and also i do take book covers if you like making book covers.


Thanks for reading!!!!xX


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