Chapter 4 (Jess)

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Jess pov


"That was fun, thanks for taking me." he said, leading me out of the club.

i smiled, "i'm glad you liked it." i said, playing with a strand of my hair. he nodded, "Yeah, so where are we off too now?" he asked.

I shrugged, "Where do you want to go?" i asked he grinned, "I know a place where we can get good milkshakes to go, and then we can go back to the house and watch a movie with the boys." he suggested. I smiled, "I'm not much of a milkshake ind of person, but we can go to the house." i said.

He shrugged, "Ok, but i'm going to take you there one day and you will change your mind about milkshakes forvever." he said. i smiled, "whatever you say Styles." I say with a laugh.

*Flash back merges into different flashback*

"Soo, You and Niall, ehh?" I say poking My friends shoulder.

"Oh shush, Nothing is going on, besides why would he go for a loner like me?" She says.

"You are not a loner! Plus i see the way he looks at you." I say.

I take a sip of my frapechino and Macy does too.

"whatever, What about you and harry, one night at the club is when you meet and boom the next night you two are going out again?" She says.

"It was only because you could't go anymore!!! You stood me up for Niall." I protest with a smirk.

"Whatever." Macy muttered, knowing i had won the argument.

"How was seeing the band with harry?" She asked.

"It was great. He really enjoyed it and so did i. He got a bit jealous though when he found out my history with that band,, but i got him relaxed. But he is funny, sweet, and cheeky." I say.

Macy laughs and takes a sip of her lemonade. "I knew you guys would be good together. You are both such flirts, inappropriate, plus i know you two are single and ready to mingle." She says.

"Mase, You sound like an idiot match maker. It wasn't even a date." I say.

Macy scoffed. "Puh-lease. You know it was, besides thats how he explained it." She said.

She walked ahead of me and Got to the door of the boys' house.

I smiled to myself and followed her. It WAS a date. And i had fun...

*Flashback over*

My eyes fluttered open and my eyes adjusted to the light shinning through the window.

I tried to move but the grip of Harry's arm tightened . I turned my neck to face him. Soft puffs of air were being released from his mouth. Omg he is so adorable.....

Oh well, I am starving and I need to get up. Should i wake him nicely or not.....


"Harryyyyyyyyyy." I say.

He groans and burry's his face in my chest. "Oh C'mon Harry I'm starving! We have to get up so we can eat and go to the hospital. I mean....unless you WANT to eat hospital food." I say.

He shoots out of bed and looks at me. "Im awake, dont worry." He says.

I giggle and smirk as he realised what i did.

"Wait, you were joking right? Youwould never make me eat that food." He said.

I get up and walk over to him. I hug him from behind. "Maybe.. if you were being an arse. Do you wanna shower first?" I asked.

He turns around and smirks. "We could shower together." He says with a wink. I roll my eyes and cross my arms against my chest.

"Ok, fine i'll go first. Get me clothes?" He asks. I nodd and walk over to the dresser.

"I'll leave them on my bed." I say.

He gets into the bathroom and closes the door. I Check his section on clothing. (Yes he has clothes in my house. Since he spends the night a bunch.) I quickly get out an outfit and walk over to the kitchen.

I see Leah rushing around, shoving food in brown paper bags, whilst buttering toast.

"You are late aren't you?" I ask.

She nods and walks to the counter to get Aria's small backpack and lunch bag.

"Can you go to my room and make sure, Aria is dressed and ready to go to-" She is cut off by aria's voice.

"Mummy! Mummy! I got dressed like a big girl!" She says, twirling around in her dark blue dress.

Leah smiles. "That's great hon, say bye to Jess okay?" Leah says, grabbing her bag and coffee.

"Bye Jess." She says.

"Bye babe, have a nice day at pre-school." I say.

They then rush out the door, and i giggle to myself. They are always late.

I make my way to the coffee maker when my phone buzzes. I pick it up and answer it.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hi, this is Maire Loyde from The mental health institution here in Dublin, Is this Jessica?" A women says.

"Yes." I say.

"Yes this is regarding a patient, her name is Maria Malik, do yo know her?" She asks.

I smile at Maria's fake last name. Her and zayn were very close and she knew if she used her last name her abusive mum and step dad would be contacted. So she used Zayn's.

"Yes i do." I say.

"Well this is urgent, and she said to call you." She says.

"How urgent?" I ask.



Xx Sorry it is short and late, the flashback was from the first book, the runaway, and it makes sense In the next chapter. Anyways i know it is super late, but i was busy, doing my homework at the last minute.


I will update tomorrow for this and heartbreak girl.






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