Chapter 1 (Harry and jess)

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Xx Hi guys im finally posting the first chapter of this book!! I hope you guys like it!!!

By the way in my chapter names i put the names of whose point of view is in the chapter but i also put it down as i write!

Ok i wont delay any further! Love you guys!!



Jess pov

It has been four months.

Four Months since the accident.

Devestation, Hope, Sorrow, anger, & frusteration is what fills our minds at this point. MY best friend. HIS girlfriend. HER sister. THEIR friend. OUR loved one.

She is in the hospital, The same way she has been for the past four months. She is in a comma. She woke up once for only five minutes. Harry and the nurse were the only ones to witness it. She pleaded for niall but he was in the bathroom. This was three months ago.

Niall was devestated that he couldn't see her when she woke up, He punched the mirror in her hosptial room.

The most affected person through all of this is either Maria or Nialler.

Maria hasn't seen her Half sister because She is in the Menta health facility in Ireland. I am working my hardest on trying to get her transfered to the Facility here in London. But is so stressfully hard.

Nialler doesn't eat. Ever. He'll eat a bit for each meal, but not much. for.the first week he wouldn't eat but with the help of Liam, I convinced him macy would hate him for not eating because of her. So now he at least eats a tiny bit.

I visit her as often as possible but it's hard because school has started and my schedual is busy.

Niall visits her the most he clears at least an hour of everyday to visit.

Management is sympathetic towards the whole thing and allows niall to miss a few things for the band so he can stay home and visit her. But when Niall refuses to go to a signing or somthing, Thet get furious with him.

Niall has check ups at the hospital and stays long after so he his girlfriend.

Niall, Along with Louis and Elenour were in the crash. Niall has two broken ribs and a fractured wrist. He also got several stitched in his leg.

Louis had a minor concution but was fine otherwise. Elenour has a broken leg and got stitches on her chin. They also visit Macy on their check up days.

"Jess....Jess did you get that?" My older sister Leah asked.

"Huh?" I had been zoning out and was completely lost in my thoughts.

"I'm going to court today, you need to stay with aria." She said.

I nodded and wished my sister luck before locking the door behind her.

Poor Leah, her Idiot Ex boyfriend, ben, is trying to take custody of their child aria. Leah and ben were never married so he has no legal rights anyways.

Plus he is a jackass who abandond his familly and comes back for his daughter and its so damn frusterating.

I Walked to Aria and Leah's room. I pad across the room to the bed where aria was playing tea party with her stuffed animals.

I took a seat beside the stuffed bear and sat with my legs crosed.

"Good morning Jess." She said with a smile.

"Good morning Aria. Today i was thinking you and i could go out for breakfast. Where do you wanna go?" I asked.

She thought for a moment, until a smile reapeared on her face. "Can we go to Hawwy's house?" She asked, not being able to say the r's in Harry's name.

I smiled and nodded, I took out my phone and sent a quick text to harry.

Harry pov

"Liam it is NOT my fault you left your phone at management's office." Louis said.

"Yes!! I told you to remind me to get it from the coffee table!" Liam exclaimed.

"For starters, YOU ASKED me to remind you, but i forgot, just like you did!" Louis protested.

Liam groaned and looked over to Niall who was typing on his phone.

"Whachya up to?" Liam asked.

Niall looked up at him. "I am KIKing maria, she wants me to buy macy sunflowers because they are macy's favorite flowers." He said plainly. He quickly went back to typing on his phone. Louis muttered somthing to Zayn and he nodded.

I cleared my throut. "Tell maria that We'll visit her when we go to Ireland next week." I said.

Niall's eyes flashed and he nodded. Niall doesn't want to go to ireland because of Macy, But Management is forcing him, but the plus is that he will see his familly and maria, so that could do him some good.

The doorbell rang and i stood from my seat in the living room and walked to the door. I opened it to see my girlfriend and her niece standing in the doorway.

"Hey babe." I said before pulling Jess into a hug and pecking her lips. "Hello aria, i said pinching her nose.

"How is he?" Jess asked, looking over to Niall who was quietly sitting on the couch.

"He has been a bit better but he needs time." I said. SHe nodded knowingly and i closed the door behind her.

We are all concerned about Niall but Jess is the most concerened. She whispered somthing to Aria and Aria nodded. Aria ran into the living room and Jess and i followed her.

Aria jumped into Niall's lap and kissed his cheek. "Good morning Niall!" The four year old said hapilly, a huge grin apearing on her face. Niall smiled. HE ACTUALLY SMILED. THis is the first time he has smiled since the acciedent, he only ever smiles when he is with Macy in the hospital.

He pecked Aria's cheek. "Good morning love." He said. This caused aria to giggle.

"NO GOOD MORNING FOR MEEE????!!!" Louis exclaimed dramticly.

"Nope" Aria said popping the 'p'. "Today i want to spend all my time with Niall." She said proudly. Niall laughed, and she smiled at his reaction.

This is the first time Niall has laughed. Jess smiled at me, and everyone had smiles on their faces, knowing we were happy that Niall was happy for once. Aria giggled.

Aria has noticed that Niall has been down too. she is a smart four year old.

Niall's phone beeped, and he took it out, causing aria to frown. She looked over at me and I winked at her, which cause her to giggle.

Aria hopped off of Niall's lap and ran to the kitchen.

I followed her and Jess was right behind me.

Zayn was making coffee and took a bite of eggs that was on the plate i prepared for Jess earlier.

"That is for jess." I said.

"It's fine im not hungry you can have it." She told zayn.

He smiled and kissed her temple. I glared at him and Zayn and jess startes cracking up.

"Relax harry, i kissed her in a friendly way." Zayn said, rolling his eyes. He took his cup and plate to the living room.

I felt my cheeks get hot and i set up a place for aria to sit and eat her eggs.

Aria quickly started munching on her eggs. I love that girl.

"Did you see Nialler!?!? He was so happy. He smiled! He even Laughed!" Jess said hapilly.

"I know, but dont get too excited, it was only once." I said.

She nodded and had a huge grin. We all knew it was progress though, and that was enough to make us all happy.

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