Chapter 6 (Niall & Jess)

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Niall pov

"Okay, so this is her room, so uhh knock and come back to the front office with her when you're ready to sign her out." Karen the front desk lady said before walking away, probably back to the desk.

Zayn, Jess, and i hoped on a plane a few hours ago and boom we're here outside of Maria's door. Zayn knocks on the door and we wait a hit before it cracks open, we see Maria and her face is tear stained and her eye lashes are wet and clumped. She had been crying. A smile forms on her face when she sees us.

"Hey guys." She said with a smile. "Umm let me get my stuff." She said. The door was cracked open and i noticed a brown haired boy sitting on the edge of her bed. He stands up as she gets her duffel and looks up at him. He had been crying too and she cupped his face with her hand.

I realize that this must be Jake and i suddenly feel bad for them, I know how hard it is to be away from the one they love. It sucks.

He pulls her in for a hug and soon they are Kissing passionately so i look away to give them some privacy and Jess frowns at me in a exaggerated way.

Jake then walks passed us and doesn't say a word. Maria follows him and smiles weakly. "I-i'm ready." She says.

We all smile as we turn to walk out of the building.


Jess pov

On the plane ride back home it was quite silent. I mean besides the rest of the plane being loud and obnoxious. I sat beside Maria, i noticed she had been crying silently for a while but she had stopped.

"He still loves you." I say. I regret it the minute i do though because i know she will get mad or annoyed of it. She turns to face me and surprise is on her face. She sighs.

"I know, that's the problem." She says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

She looks at me for moment before opening her mouth. "Because, I think i love him too but i mean how the hell am i supposed to know? I am too young for this! I leave and i know he is heartbroken and so am i and i wont find anyone else.." She is crying now and i wait for her to finish her thought.

"But we have to.....we NEED to move on." She says.

I chuckle and she looks at me with eyes of hurt. " I am not laughing at you, it's just your are th most mature 15 year old i know. Your probably more mature than i am except for the fact you are wayy more dirty than i am, but i would have reacted so different than you. But you're right you both need to move on....even if it's hard, you knew it wouldn't have lasted anyways. It's true, and you know it, i mean long have you known this guy?" I say.

She chuckles and it's good to see her smile. She wipes away her tears and starts to speak. " You have a point...... but i don't want to think about this anymore, god i hate crying, i don't think their has been a time in my life where i have cried more. Hell, i didn't even cry this much when i was a baby. How's everyone? You know.....since the thing happened." She asked.

"Everyone is fine, it's kind of depressing at times, but we're trying..... it's hard not having your bestie around anymore, Reagan is really upset too, even though they weren't that close, but the person who is having the worst time is Niall, i mean of course it's him. He's getting better though...." I trailed off, not really wanting to talk about how down the guy's been, i mean he's like a brother to me i guess.

She nods and smiles, "How are you and harry?" She asks.

" We're good, you know, he helps a lot, with taking care of Aria, since i have classes and Leah has work, plus guess who is trying to get custody of the girl." i say, bitterness clear in my voice.

" THAT DICK!!! BEN IS SUCH A DICK, GOD I HATE HIM!" She exclaims. Everyone looks over to us, but knowing her and myself, we both don't give a shit.

"i know, their going back to court soon." I say. She nods and smiles.

" I know things will turn out right. Sooo, ummm........ Where am i......gonna stay?" She asked.

"Well we were planning for you to stay over with the boys, but you can stay with me, i don't mind, niether will Leah and Aria they love you. Plus Aria would get a kick out of seeing you, you know what i'm sayin?" I ask.

 She nods and her face is a bit worried. "What about school? i wont go back will i? I mean, to my old school....i wont live close by to go there and.......well mum could find me that way." She asked nervously.

" I enrolled you in a school by my flat, it's in between distances of my place and the boys', it's about a 15 minute drive from my place and a 20 minute drive from theirs." i say.

She nods and starts to say somthing when her eyebrows furrow at something behind me. I turn around to se a smiling Niall, phone in hand.

"She's awake."

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