Im messed up

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I looked at the police officers coming in to take Synnova away. I ran to her before they got to her.

"Synnova why. Why are you going," I said looking straight into her eyes when tears started to stream down my face.

Just come visit me. she gave me a kiss and what it seemed a very long hug.

"Come on Miss Bistal," one of the officers said

Don't forget me Dani," she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek then walked away with the officers.


The car ride home was very quiet. I was listening to music. I kept changing between Ellie Goulding and Taylor Swift.

Danielle sweetheart my mom began.

NO I'm not talking to ANY OF YOU," I said

She just turned around and looked at my dad with tearful eyes.


When we got home I ran straight to my room and locked the door. I flopped on my bed and started to cry. I couldn't stop I miss her I can't deal with this pain. After crying what seemed like hours I finally fell asleep.

When I woke up it was 11:27 pm. Everyone was asleep I still didn't have my phone yet I didn't have shit to do so I Reyes to go back to sleep

"(Knock knock) Dani sweetie are you up." My dad said


Well your mom made breakfast so if you wanted any you can help yourself.

Ok. I said blankly

When everyone left I sat on my bed thinking. I was thinking of cutting I couldn't deal with this pain. I hear her voice in my head I can't stop thinking of her. I went over to my bathroom I somehow managed to break my razor and pick up a blade. I sat on the toilet thinking if I should or not. But I slowly brought the blade up and slid it across my wrist. Blood blew out I sat there looking at my wrist I felt nothing no emotion no pain just nothing at all. I cleaned up I stared at my wrist.  Tears started to roll down my face I got up and looked in the mirror. I was so disgusted in myself I'm changing is that normal. But I didn't think I would change like this. Whatever I pushed the thought out of my head. I put some Ellie Goulding on I love her newest album it's really I dunno peaceful I'll go with.

"Sweetheart are you ok," my mom said

Yea mom I'm fine I'm gonna go to bed now.

"Ok goodnight love you so much." She said it almost sounded like she was about to cry.

I finally got up I had to go to school today. I put my clothes on then left to go to the bus.

"So um Dani are you ok," Eliza asked

Yea I'm great thanks for asking

Oh ok

As we got to school I couldn't help to think of Synnova she's the first thing that pops into my head I miss her.

"Dani hey," Iris said

Oh hey Iris how are ya.

"I'm fine um I heard about what happened to Synnova I'm sorry that happened." She said

It's fine she'll get out soon hopefully

"Well anyway guess what," she said

"What," I said

"We have a new student,"  her name is-

A/N: hey sorry to stop there I'll post the next chapter soon it's gonna be good hopefully. Um so how are you liking the story and thank you so much for the views I'm surprised anyone is even reading it lol but I'll try and make the chapters longer I know Chloee why are the chapters short I know I'm horrible with trying to make long chapters but I'll make it happen sooner or later do t worry. 😘

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